Why is there color?
wat is religon?
why do we have religon?
is it just fauls hope or does it have a purpose?
is there a god?
if so is it a boy or girl mabby bolth or nothing?
is he or she human or more or eveny less?
wats love?
why do we love?
how do we love?
is there a purpose for us?
why are we here?
is there more out there?
why do we have names not numbers?
why do we live?
wat happens when we die?
why do we age?
is everything an illution?
or a stait of mind?
why do we have money?
why do we feel?
why do we have two parents?
why not one?
why do we have to breath?
is good realy bad?
is bad good?
or is the way we live right?
why do we think?
why dont we have one person think for use?
why dont we comunicate mintly?
why do we talk like this?
wats langwage?
why do we hav words?
is ronge right?
is right ronge?
why do we feel pain?
wat is smart?
why r people dumb?
wat is comon cence?
why do we have emoton?
why do we have diferent langwage?
why r we shaped like this?
why cant we shaped like triangles or squars?
why do we jest?
why do we laugh?
why do we think something is funny?
why do we get amusment out of other peoples pain?
wats joy?
wats madness?
why do we think crazzy is bad?
why dont we think that its just a diffrent way of thinking?
wat is life?
is there other dimenchens?
is the person it the miorr a person just someone with nothing better to do but copy you?
is there someone in the miorr?
it there just one person in a life and everybody els just there?
why do we advance?
if we do it to survive then we survive to advance?
why is there famous?
why is there pore?
why is there rich?
why is there sound?
why do we lisen?
why do we talk?
why do we have marking like letters?
why are we different?
why is there different races?
why cant we be the same?
why do we think wats fat and wats skinny?
why do we juge?
why do we save and not leave alone?
wat is a question?
wats an answer?
why do we feel we have to answer?
why do we hate?
wats acseption?
why arnt we pefect?
are we perfect?
is perfecton a posablty?
is it not?
why do we question?
why do we cry?
why do we have memories?
do we have to remember?
why do we sell cat ike this not like this hfghfds?
why do we defend?
why do we atack?
wats clean?
wats dirty?
why do we eat?
why do we drink?
why do we sleep?
do we have to?
why are there boys and girls?
why do we say small?
why big?
why do we want?
is there an explenation?
do we have to have?
is there always room for iprovment?
do numders keep going on?
do they stop?
wats random?
why do we fear?
why r we brave?
are we the only intelagent life?
if not is there something smarter than us?
why do we seek comfort?
do we have to have a leador?
who r we to say no?
why yes?
do we have to choose?
why sing?
why do we sacrofice?
is there a great good?
do we have to know?
why do we lie?
is there realy a truth?
does it alway have to hirt?
wats fake?
how sure are u that its the truth?
why do we argue?
do we have to?
can u be to sure?
is there realy luck?
were did we realy come from?
why do we use just 10% of or brain?
can we use more?
can reality become fictoin and vic-verca?
can there be to much?
can there be not enough?
is to much of a good thing a bad thing?
then is it realy good?
when did thime realy start?
well it ever end?
does it have an end?
wat is time?
is it just something we made up just like langwage?
does the sky have to be blue?
why do we have to see with our eyes?
is pet just another word for slave?
why cant we fly?
why do we leson to music?
why do we like serten typs?
does every thing have a begening?
dose every thing have to an end?
when u dont see something are u truly blind?
when ur leave a room wat realy happens?
does everything have a purpose?
do things have more than one purposes?
do we realy need a purpose?
is every thing just an illution?
why do we lie?
why do we feel we have to tell the truth?
why do i hav so many questions?
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