We're all just dancers on the Devil's Dance Floor
I love it so freaking much, Thank you The Rainbow Obscene Strange Little Horror, I can't even explain how much I love it. It even made me laugh at parts of that convo we had c:
Okay so starting from top left, we start with the two of us waving our arms around, then moving over to the right, you can see that I am clearly trying to sell girl scout cookies, so then I sell some to her. Now moving back over to the left I got distracted by musicz (Oh noez) so then the stalkers are trying to get close, but she tells em to go away (by shouting really loud). Then I find out I have the paste plague, so I have to find the grandmother toad, so I have to impress her by hopping on one foot, waving my arms while making silly sounds (as you can see). The I get a nest built on my head (picture on the bottom right) then I get told I'm unlucky and that she is lucky, but I still have my hat. Then she finds a carrot suit while I sit in a pile of carrots, as Eduardo the 4th (the invisidable monkey) runs off into the distance eating a carrot.
-The end-

Another drawing she did for me after I dressed up as her twin, I'm guessing I'm the one on the left, at least I think so by the expression >.>

And in this one, I'm getting my haircut, unsure of what to expect. So just follow it and you can see what happened ;~;

Okay so starting from top left, we start with the two of us waving our arms around, then moving over to the right, you can see that I am clearly trying to sell girl scout cookies, so then I sell some to her. Now moving back over to the left I got distracted by musicz (Oh noez) so then the stalkers are trying to get close, but she tells em to go away (by shouting really loud). Then I find out I have the paste plague, so I have to find the grandmother toad, so I have to impress her by hopping on one foot, waving my arms while making silly sounds (as you can see). The I get a nest built on my head (picture on the bottom right) then I get told I'm unlucky and that she is lucky, but I still have my hat. Then she finds a carrot suit while I sit in a pile of carrots, as Eduardo the 4th (the invisidable monkey) runs off into the distance eating a carrot.
-The end-

Another drawing she did for me after I dressed up as her twin, I'm guessing I'm the one on the left, at least I think so by the expression >.>

And in this one, I'm getting my haircut, unsure of what to expect. So just follow it and you can see what happened ;~;

Well swing a little more, little more o'er the merry-o
Community Member