“Merlin!” Zak gasped his eyes wide with awe as he listened to the story.
“Yes, the legendary Merlin. He appeared in his long dark robes with his arms stretched out. Everyone was afraid, especially Argost for now he truly believed that I was a witch.”
“How dare you burn an innocent at the stake?” Merlin exclaimed. His voice was angry and terrifying.
“Merlin!” King Leodegrance bowed deeply at the magician, “It was my advisor who accused my daughter of being a witch.”
“At that, Argost disappeared into the crowd and Merlin took a knife to my bonds.”
“And you let him do it?” Merlin went up to the king, “You did not vouch for your daughter, Lily’s daughter?”
“No, I’m afraid that I did not,” the king replied, looking away.
“I am taking the young princess with me because her life is still in danger. Say goodbye to her now for you may never see her again,” Merlin said as the crowd dispersed, disappointed that they would not see anything burn.
“Oh my Guinevere, please forgive me for not vouching for you! I never once thought that you were a witch!”
“I told my father that I forgave him and that I still loved him. I kissed his ring and we said our goodbyes. From there, Merlin took me back into the castle and introduced me to my mother. They hid me away in the cellar where Argost couldn’t find me. For a couple years, I got to know my mother until one of the kitchen boys told Argost where I was. We were on the run again and Merlin and my mother took me to the Grove. There I stayed for I suppose, two thousand years. Merlin visited me occasionally and I remained behind the curtain of illusion until now,” Guinevere finished her story.
“Alright, story time is over,” Drew said with a smile as she appeared in the doorway with Doc and Merlin.
“Aw,” everyone moaned in unison and began to depart. The adults came into Guinevere’s room and closed the automatic door.
“Was that really what happened?” Doc asked Guinevere.
Guinevere nodded, her story backed up by Merlin. “She told the truth, for I was there as her guardian. Lily wished it so,” he told them.
“Your mother, you say she looked just like me?” Drew asked her.
“Yes,” Guinevere nodded, “That’s why I love you like my own mother, Drew.”
Drew blushed. She had a daughter! “Well, good night sweetie,” she kissed Guinevere’s forehead and smoothed down her hair.
The adults left and Guinevere lay down to go to sleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about her old life in Cameliard. Her new one was acceptable. She had a family that cared about her. She couldn’t let them go. She wasn’t going to say good-bye again.
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