Now, we all know I cannot stand those high and mighty people who think that they can judge someone's faith based solely on how they look. My father is living proof that someone can look like the perfect Christian and be one of the world's biggest sinners when you really see them. On my family, the one person who regularly goes to church is the only one who isn't a true Christian at heart. He is the most hateful, vile, bigoted person I know, and when you looked at him, you'd think he was a wonderful person. Looks never tell you who a person really is. In my experience, those who dress like 'Christians' only do it for image. They think that if they look like they're getting into Heaven, then they are. They think that if they act like they're good people at church, what they do on the outside and in their own homes and what they think in their minds won't count. Which is the exact opposite of how it is. God knows your every thought, every move, and he knows when you're being the real you, and if you dress in pastels and never show your legs above the knee but go home and think nasty thoughts about the kids across the street, thinking it's ok because they're heathen satanists, you're sinning. Whereas if you dress in all black and you truly feel sorry for what you did wrong at the end of everyday, then you will be forgiven for what you did, and God doesn't care what you wear. Nowhere in the Bible does it say it is a sin to wear all black. So people need to get off of me and my friend's gothic backs.
It's not the size of the Bible, it's the motion of the devotion.