Yeash. Yeshhh, I had a few last night. Why? Why? Big deal! -hic- I'm a friggin' adult, that's my pejorative. Don't even tell me how I should act. -hic- I've been studying Gin Jutsu for yearsh. You don't even KNOW my powers. I'm a MASTER. Semper fi and shtuff.
Huh? Stabbed? Where? -hic- Eff you, you don't even KNOW about stabbing. What time is it?
Pantsssh? -hic- Yeah, I bet you want me to take my pants off. No, I do NOT know how my kneepads are still on. Shaddap. You don't even KNOW.
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Poetry and stuff i come up with
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You have no talent at all. Just die!
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