Well... Today is 06/13, isn't it? owo'
Yes it is! XD I know. n__n'
And it is exactly (okay, maybe not exactly, we have like one hour left. XD) a year...
A year already! @.@'
A year since I have my own, one and only, lovely husband. =3
So, it is our anniversary! <3 *shakes champagne bottle* XD
I didn't know what can I buy for you, love... >W< Sowwy. v.v
Soo... I decided to get you an Art! ^_^
I hope that you will like it.
I love you, Demon. -huggles- <3

Well... Today is 06/13, isn't it? owo'
Yes it is! XD I know. n__n'
And it is exactly (okay, maybe not exactly, we have like one hour left. XD) a year...
A year already! @.@'
A year since I have my own, one and only, lovely husband. =3
So, it is our anniversary! <3 *shakes champagne bottle* XD
I didn't know what can I buy for you, love... >W< Sowwy. v.v
Soo... I decided to get you an Art! ^_^
I hope that you will like it.
I love you, Demon. -huggles- <3

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