
MEET wise_ninja_person
SHE created Kit-Kat, Amber, Hota, Melody, Ninja, and ?
hair color: fire red
eye color: orangey-red
skin tone: slightly tan
height: 5' 4"
weight: DON'T ASK ME THAT!!! scream
defining characteristics: volume
tattoos: none
piercings: none
Power: just normal cat senses (and can make a very small flame heart )
likes: FISH!!, Earth's lack of gravity, her friends (though she only has one: Melody)
dislikes: Hota stressed
flaws/habits: tends to be very loud
secrets: has a small power heart shh wink
personality evaluation: Amber is straight forward and loud. She loves to laugh and do whatever comes to mind without really thinking about her actions or words. She has a strong vendetta against Hota for many reasons, though her newest and biggest reason is because Hota shot her ship down and kidnapped her for a few weeks. There's not a whole lot to Amber, but she's fun anyways. Not many secrets and will talk to basically anyone unless they get on her very short nerves.
mother's occupation: fisher
father's occupation: grower (farmer)
heritage: average family income and fishing
siblings: 1
children: wtc?! eek she's 14!!
spouse/signifigant other: NO!!

- Hey silly, I'm Amber and I've been stayin' loud and proud for 18 (14 on Earth) years. Amber, fisher and civilian (or AFC) is on my birth certificate but you can just call me Amber. i hail from Kit-Kat and am
a fisherman.
MEET wise_ninja_person
SHE created Kit-Kat, Amber, Hota, Melody, Ninja, and ?
hair color: fire red
eye color: orangey-red
skin tone: slightly tan
height: 5' 4"
weight: DON'T ASK ME THAT!!! scream
defining characteristics: volume
tattoos: none
piercings: none
Power: just normal cat senses (and can make a very small flame heart )
likes: FISH!!, Earth's lack of gravity, her friends (though she only has one: Melody)
dislikes: Hota stressed
flaws/habits: tends to be very loud
secrets: has a small power heart shh wink
personality evaluation: Amber is straight forward and loud. She loves to laugh and do whatever comes to mind without really thinking about her actions or words. She has a strong vendetta against Hota for many reasons, though her newest and biggest reason is because Hota shot her ship down and kidnapped her for a few weeks. There's not a whole lot to Amber, but she's fun anyways. Not many secrets and will talk to basically anyone unless they get on her very short nerves.
mother's occupation: fisher
father's occupation: grower (farmer)
heritage: average family income and fishing
siblings: 1
children: wtc?! eek she's 14!!
spouse/signifigant other: NO!!
*shrugs* Not really sure what all that was about. I just wanted to see what I could do with the character application from another site I'm on. It was...interesting xd Though I did edit it quite a bit. Gaia doesn't accept a lot of colors apparently. xp But it doesn't really matter. I was just curious. That's a basic overview of Amber, though it doesn't really tell much about her, so I suppose I'll have to go into more detail. Get ready for a long explanation, possibly. I'm not sure where this'll go.
= w =
The government of Kit-Kat is absolute; whatever they say is done. No exceptions. They had one instruction for the fisher and mother, and she agreed alongwith her husband. There was no denying the ruling, and many others had probably had to follow the same order. It had been about three years since the couple had had their first child, and they'd just been told to have another with everything being the exact same as before. Their first was obviously doing well and the overseers were hoping the progress was genetic. So, the couple agreed. They did everything exactly the same. The wife got pregnant the same time of year as before and she left to go to Earth at the same time as before. She fished in the same area, and even gave birth in the same place. Sadly, nothing happened. It was just another ordinary child. The mother was disappointed because she'd let down her planet, but she was secretly happy. With a small smile, the mother hugged her new born child. She'd get to keep this one. She wouldn't have to lose another child.
That's how it all began for Amber. Her mother returned to Kit-Kat and raised her there, telling tales of the wonders her other and older child had done. Amber listened, respect growing for the sibling she'd never get to meet. She wanted to meet the mystery of a sibling, but was forbidden. Years passed and eventually Amber was old enough to gain a profession. It may've simply been because she was born on another planet or because her mother was able to tell her more stories of the mystery sibling, but Amber chose to become a fisher instead of stay on Kit-Kat and work as a grower alongside her father. Adventure was her calling, or so she thought. There wasn't much excitement in the fishing profession aside from getting to go to Earth and then to the palace to deliver the fish. It was a delicasy after all. So, at the age of twelve, Amber went to Earth for the first time since her birth and began the career she would have until the day she died.
Many years passed and eventually she was old enough to fish alone and in different places from her mother. This happened at about the age of 16, though she looked about 12 years old on Earth. The years passed after that, and Amber started to watch the cultures around her. She listened to the way they talked, dressed, and acted. She developed her own sense of being, and finally realized that Earth wasn't so bad. She enjoyed staying on the planet, though she didn't want to call it home. It was a nice place to vacation, but never would she think to become attached to someone who lived there. Over the next two years, Amber very rarely ran into anyone who was from Kit-Kat, though she changed her fishing spots every six months or so. Nothing very significant happened in her life until one trip delivering fish to the palace when she was eighteen.
It had been normal. There was nothing out of the ordinary going on. The Princess had been missing on Earth for the past two years or so, a single bodyguard had been deployed to protect and follow her though the location of the pair was unknown to any civilians. Amber was pretty sure a lot of people in the palace didn't even know. But she was proud. She'd heard stories of the bodyguard who was one of the elite. Aside from that little fiasco that had died out of the main focus recently, Her Majesty -the Empress's second child- was in the palace. She was where all the focus was. Though she was still very young, there were rumors that she might become the next heiress, but those were just rumors that continued to spread even at the palace where Amber had stopped with her delivery. ((I'll finish this later))