Pandora Hearts/Alice in Wonderland
Just watched Pandora Hearts! wee!!! its rite up my alley surpasses shugo chara!!!!!!!!!! ahh! its got the dark girly victorian feeling that i love oh so much!!!!!! and its got action and scyths >=D and its like based on alice in wonderland which just makes it even cooler and no not the disney shitty verion the american mcgees version with blood!!! woohooo for blood!!!! (i need help!) and alice is awsome and she turns into the B-rabbit which is a awsome big black rabbit oh and speaking of alice and such theres a new alice in wonderland coming out in 2010 made my tim burton (dude that made corpses bride and nightmare before christmas) and its not the crean safe no blood one its the american mcgee one with the scary and bloodness!!! ok thats the end of todays post!! byeeezzz!!