I need some more black nail polish. Haha
So what's up with the world.
Why does the Apocalypse seem so close...
So I am all torn up over Mj's death. And Ferrah Fawcett and Billy Mays.
But in other news, i am obsessed with something new.
Destery And Nathan from DesandNate/ YOUTUBE.
They are so sexy, and funny as hell.
Rubberbands... What?
SO i wanna see Transformers. (: And some other Movies/
HOLY BALLS! True Blood has a new season, fer sureee!
CHOCOLATE COVERED Rainbows, zebras, and eyeliner.
Because that's how G i am!
haha I've been a vegetarian for like 7 or 8 months right.
It's just gotten easier as the time passes.
Tomorrow in summer program we are dissecting frogs and me and Laura( the coolest friend EVER!) are protesting against it.
Peanut Butter?
It only makes sense to me and my invisible pet duck, Quack, you wouldn't understand...
Who? Demi Lavato? She's hottt. haha she kinda has a butt chin.
But a beautiful smile. Selena Gomez, pretty hott i guess. Nothing special except she has BIG hair. haha Miley WHO? Don't get me started.
What the s**t?
Dude are you talking to yourself?
I don't know!
HellaDANK! Yeahhh!
I'm gonna stop now. getting a headache from all this randomness.
Quick, get me a Tylenol... haha okay that was dumb, me for doing it but you for just, no. haha WHAT!?
Okay, I'm done.
Jeanea didn't steal any fxcking cookies.
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A blog of my adventures in Gaialand. Follow me keh?
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