Nayeilin Schulyer Kyoun Daumura
Female, Last Time I check
I ain't old...........22
☼Subject Taught☼
Literature Teacher
I only date those of my age and to the age of 30...Period. so I don't Have a Crush yet......Neh.
Crazy, Supportive, Cool Teacher, Funny, Shy, Kind, Demented ( for students xD )
Well lets see.....Pretty crazy family she had, and having two middles names, her father was the strong yet teddy bear like being french and half Japanese, her mother a emotionless and prideful German and dutch. She had two brothers, and was the only girl. She had some close friends and never fell nor dated anyone. She loved Literature, English since she begun reading at the age of four. Yes very young, Her mother raised her to only be taught the old ways.....Date men who are your age or older. ( YEAH THAT INCLUDED A RANGE OF HOW OLDER ) her father being funny and all, said doesn't matter what love is, go for it. She liked her mother raising better. As growing up and attending college graduating earlier and becoming a Literature Teacher was a small dream of hers, and she loved it. Along with music which was a personal hobbies she would never go for Music Teacher, She got a kick outta of it all.