The Idiotic Adventures of the Crazies:
Episode 8: Shun chan Reads a Story
"Hey guys!! It's story time!! :3 And I have a story to tell!!" Yelled Shun chan. Everyone gathered around him and Shun starts his story.
Once upon a time, there was a boy who got lost in a jungle. He was all alone.
Then all of a sudden, there was a rustle in the bushes near him. He was so scared that he started running.
Then BOOM!! Right in front of him was a giant lion.
"NOOOOOOO!!!!!DX" He ran for his life.
Unfortunately, he was that fast to begin with. The lion just jumped right in front of him.
Just as the lion bites him, he dodges slightly but his leg got bitten.
The boy stared at the lion who let go of him and his leg. "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" He screamed.
Moments later the lion lifted the boy up with it's mouth and carried him to his kingdom.
The lion then drops the boy near a female lion. The female lion snuggles him up.
The boy was still scared as he hugged himself.
The next thing the boy knew, he grew a lion tail and that the lions are raising him as one of them. He was then named Shun.
The boy didn't mind as long as he had a place to stay and will not be eaten.
Years had passed and Shun has grown with only his tail as the only lion part about him.
Shun decided to go play out in the forest, far from his father's kingdom.
As he did so, he ran into a leopard. "RAWR" went the leopard.
"Mrreoow" Said Shun.
The leopard laugh it's a** off. Shun sweat dropped and twitched. "Shut up!! Dx" Shun then ran away as the leopard still laugh it's a** off.
Shun was sad and angry at the same time that he kept walking without knowing where he was going. He then tripped on a green thing. "Eww.." Then he heard something growl. It was coming from the green thing he tripped on.
He went closer to poke it but it bit his hand. "Owch!"
The green thing glared at Shun. It is a green bunny. "Aww, what a cute grunny." Shun made up the species name, putting green and bunny together into one word, grunny.
The grunny still glared at Shun.
"C'mere grunny." Shun said as he held out his hand.
"Stfu!! >=o" Said the grunny.
"Wth! o.o" Shun was shocked that a grunny spoke.
"Yeah, that's right! I can talk!! >=o"
"But..I thought bunnies aren't supposed to talk.."
"Well I am a mutated bunny. Get it!!" Shun nodded.
"Got it?!! >=o" The grunny held a fist up in Shun's face. Shun nodded even faster.
"Good. >,> Now don't call me grunny."
"Then what should I call you?"
"I don't know. I don't have a name."
Shun gasped!! "Then I shall name you!!"
"Well, this ain't gonna be good." Murmured the grunny to itself.
"I'll name you Booger!!"
The grunny kicked him in the shin. "Why the hell you naming me Booger? Do I look like a booger to you?!! D;<"
Shun rubbed his shin. "Yes. You do."
The grunny gave up and sighed. "Fine..My name's Booger."
Shun smiled happily! "Well, I'm Shun! I'm part lion." He wagged his tail.
"Okay calm down you crazy lion boy."
"It's Shun. D="
"Hmph." Shun pouted. Booger blinked at Shun. "So what now?" Shun asked.
"I're bigger. I was hoping you could tell me."
"Well, I wanted to go back home..but I don't even know where I am."
"Where do you live?"
"The Brown Kingdom."
"'re family must be rich to be living in Brown Kingdom. I know the way. Let's get going."
"Sweet!!" Shun ran along with Booger back home.
A few minutes later..
"Are we there yet?" Shun whined.
"Uh..Yes but I don't think you wanna see this--"
"What's wrong?" Shun peered. His face dropped into emo mode.
"Shun, it's no time for that, we gotta run far from here."
"To where? And what about my family?!! D="
"It's too late for them. We need to find a safe place and I've heard of one place. Let's go!!" Booger ran to the jungle as Shun followed.
"Hey..I remember this jungle." Said Shun.
"You do? .-." Booger asked.
"Yeah, this is where my father found me and bit me."
"o.o You're father bit you?"
"Yeah! =D That's how I got this groovy tail."
"'re father's a lion?!" Shun nodded. "Then that!!" Booger passed out. Shun panicked..
"Oh NO! OH NO! OH NO!!" He carried Booger as he saw a truck and jumped in.
A few hours later..
Shun and Booger arrived in some unknown city. "Whoa!! This is sooo cool!"
Booger looked around. "Eh..I guess."
"You guess?! Man look around you!!"
"Yeah..I'm looking at a bunch of people who are almost like you, greeeaat." Booger said sarcastically.
Shun ignored that last statement and ran around.
"Hey look a restaurant!!" Shun pointed at some restaurant.
Booger whacked Shun's pointing finger. "It's bad to point Shun."
"Sorry. But I wanna go in there."
They both walked into the restaurant.
"Welcome, dear customer." Smiled a woman with purple, wavy hair.
"=o I'm Shun and this is Booger, how do we get food? .-."
"Ah. Well, in here you just look at the menu and order something then you have to pay."
"Pay? What's that?"
The purple hair woman smiled. " about you and the mutated bunny join our guild and work things out?"
"What's that mean? .-. What's a guild?" Asked Shun as Booger slapped its forehead with its paw.
"Please excuse my so called owner. Um. We're kind of new here and we just ran off from his home where it was attacked by rampaging animals."
"Ah. I see. Well, we could use some help around here. Why don't you two stay here and join our guild while you're at it. You'll gain experience being in our guild. It could be good for that lion boy."
"Thank you very much." Booger said.
Shun was running around asking questions about what's this and what's that. Then he came to this thing called soda.
Everybody was busy and stuff so no one thought of what could happen with a lion boy doing things like drinking soda for the first time.
Shun licked the nasal. "Mmm..this is good." Shun turned the thing on and started chugging.
He then had sugar rush and started bouncing all over the place.
Once everyone noticed, they chased the lion boy all over the place hoping to stop him and tie him down.
But alas, no luck..instead, they get a wrecked restaurant.
A blonde girl walked in with a bag of groceries and dropped them on the ground. SHE WAS BURNING WITH RAGE. "WHO THE HELL MESSED UP THE RESTAURANT!! >=O"
Everybody pointed fingers at Shun. Shun gulped. "Uh oh.."
"THE END!!" Shun Smiled happily.
Everyone were thinking either:
"So that's how he got that tail.."
"Wow, sounds so much like him..Poor Elly."
"Whoa, Booger Talked!!"
or somewhere in between those lines.
Elly stood at the door when she heard the last parts of the story. She remembered what happened when she first met Shun..
Shun jumped up. "Yes Ma'am? .-."
Shun cried as he cleaned the restaurant up. "I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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Mostly stories that I write. No offenses intended. I swear. Seriously.
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Crazy Crew is Where I Belong..