Your result for The Alignment Test ...
48% Good, 60% Chaotic
48% Good, 60% Chaotic

Plane of Existence: Limbo, "Plane of Ever-Changing Chaos". Description: An alien, anarchistic and unpredictable plane. Notable Inhabitants: Githzerai - human-like monks; Slaad - frog-like creatures.
Examples of Chaotic-Neutrals (Ethically Chaotic, Morally Neutral)
Barret Wallace (FFVII)
Yuffie Kisaragi (FFVII)
Tyler Durden
Dr. Frankenstein
Doctor Moreau
Peeves the Poltergeist
Fred & George Weasly
"Wild animals"
The almost totally unpredictable non-conformist loner. Will stand by and watch the white knight battle the black knight without feeling compelled to take sides.
Will keep their word if in their best interest
May attack an unarmed foe
May use poison
May help those in need
Prefers to work alone
Responds poorly to higher authority
Distrustful of organizations
Self preservation is strong but will not go to the same extent as Neutral-Evils.
They can generally be swayed easily.
Chaotic Neutral "Pure Chaos"
"Free Spirit"
A chaotic neutral [person] follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral [person] does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others), evil (and a desire to make others suffer), or be lawful neutral. A chaotic neutral [person] may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.
Chaotic neutral is freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal.
Other Alignments and Tendencies (Tendenices are what you would more often sway towards; esp. for Neutrals):
0-39% Good, 0-39% Chaotic: Lawful-Evil
0-39% Good, 40-60% Chaotic: Neutral-Evil
0-39% Good, 61-100% Chaotic: Chaotic-Evil
40-60% Good, 0-39% Chaotic: Lawful-Neutral
40-60% Good, 40-60% Chaotic: True Neutral
61-100% Good, 0-39% Chaotic: Lawful-Good
61-100% Good, 40-60% Chaotic: Neutral-Good
61-100% Good, 61-100% Chaotic: Chaotic-Good
Compared to other takers
You scored 48% on Good, higher than 26% of your peers.
You scored 60% on Chaotic, higher than 73% of your peers.
Link: The Alignment Test written by xan81 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
You Are A:
Chaotic Good Elf Sorcerer (1st Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 10
Dexterity- 13
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 18
Wisdom- 15
Charisma- 10
Chaotic Good- A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit. However, chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment because it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.
Elves are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts, but when danger threatens they show great skill with weapons and strategy. Elves can live to be over 700 years old and, by human standards, are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Elves are slim and stand 4.5 to 5.5 feet tall. They have no facial or body hair, prefer comfortable clothes, and possess unearthly grace. Many others races find them hauntingly beautiful.
Sorcerers- Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast. ((But my charisma is fail... >> wink )
Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18 )
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXX (9)
True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XX (2)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Neutral - XXXXXXX (7)
Evil ---- XXXXXXX (7)
Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Dwarf ---- XX (2)
Gnome ---- XXXX (4)
Halfling - XXXXXXXX (8 )
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Half-Orc - XXXXXX (6)
Barbarian - (-8 )
Bard ------ XX (2)
Cleric ---- (-4)
Druid ----- (-17)
Fighter --- (0)
Monk ------ (-23)
Paladin --- (-23)
Ranger ---- (0)
Rogue ----- XX (2)
Sorcerer -- XXXXXX (6)
Wizard ---- XX (2)