RPC name: Alan
Species: Werewolf
Gender: male
Sexual orientation: Straight
Weapons: Fangs, claws, stregnth as well as the abillity to control heat and fire.
Personality: Alan has a bad attitude problem. he doesn't really like anyone but himself, and usually refuses to show any emotion besides ignorance and annoyance. But he does have a soft spot for the little vampire girl that he looks after, Kinya.

Bio: Alan's parents were killed by a werewolf pack who attacked for no real reason. they killed his parents, bit him and ran off into the night. Alan wandered around, thinking he was going to die, that is until the full moon rose into the sky. Upon transformation, all of his wounds were healed. he sought out a nearby werewolf clan, and quickly joined it's ranks, learning to fight and defend himself until he thought that he was good enough to fight the pack leader. He fought and killed the pack leader, and as the new Alpha led an attack on the pack that ha dkilled his parents. The other pack was crushed, and Alan left. He left his Beta in charge and ran off on his own, having no desire to watch over and lead a pack that was growing in numbers nearly every day. In his trvells, he saw a house that had been attacked. the ruins were on fire, and in the center of it all was a small vampire girl. Werewolves and vampires were mortal enemies, and he was about to kill her until she looked up at him. her eyes were so unbelievably human and innocent, that he couldn't bring himself to do it. so instead he took her in, and now is her gurdian.
Gaian Name: The light of the sky
RPC Name: Kinya
Race: Pureblood royal vampire
Gender: Female
Weapons:None, except that she is learning to control other vampires at will, even other purebloods.
Personality: kinya has an absolute innocent and shy personality. she trusts no one but Alan, and never speaks except to him through Telepathy. She absolutely hates to see him fighting, and hits him over the head when she thinks he's being too mean or stupid or unreasonable.

Bio: Kinya's father was the king of the royal vampire bloodline. Her mothe rhowever, didn't like the way he was doing things, so she ran away. outraged, the king sent assasins after her, but he didn't know she was pregnant. she had Kinya before the king had found her, and hid her away while she was slaughtered. the assasins burned the house, where Alan found Kinya crying ove rher mother's bloody corpse. He adopted her, and she hasn't left his side since.