Such a hubbub is really quite intolerable, if not infantile, Claudio mused to himself as he rose from his desk. Every other student in the Etiquette class had gathered like sheep before the shearer in the doorway. Sheep, what an accurate analogy, Claudio considered condescendingly, as he himself nudged out of the classroom. A man, not a boy, by the look of him, but a boy by the age of him, no doubt, stood like a rock before a storm. Asad, yes that is his name. A scar that ran along his face like a fungus was the first thing Claudio had noticed. He and that boy that had stood. Yes, Thane stood next to Asad even as their eyes looked down the hall, down where that fool servant and that pretentious teacher had traveled.
Claudio couldn't care less. If a servant was unhappy, then that simply meant they were doing their job. Any harm done them could at worst be amounted to a fundamental facet of the job. But the rage in that dark-haired servant had indeed been a thing to behold. At least the class had been dismissed, if nothing better came out of the sudden interruption. He had said something about a girl. Perhaps there was something going on between the servants? Such information could prove a vital weapon in the future, one Claudio would be happy to wield, should the occasion present itself. As Claudio fought his way through the crowd, arms, legs, and the wheels turning in his mind all working at the same, rapid rate, a servant girl came by, seeming breathless, with a tray in her hand and a desperate look in her eyes.
The girl had a pink ribbon in her hair. It was a disgustingly bright-colored thing, almost unfitting in her mousy-brown hair. Claudio simply regarded her with annoyance and distaste, as he did all of the servants. He was better than them, and he couldn't help but feel the need to make them aware of it. She asked something about the class, whether it was the only class over or some such balderdash. Claudio took no care; he was still busy considering his classmates. He had had a good look at most of them, and couldn't care less about the majority of them, but two in particular were most curious specimens: Asad, the Arabian, and Thane, the slight boy whose lack of self-control had brought him to stand before the most feared/hated teacher on the campus.
Claudio ran a nonchalant hand through his lemon-colored hair as his emerald eyes dismissively regarded Thane's rather slight frame. His eyes, so vivid and intense, were reminiscent of a jungle cat stalking wounded prey."Tell me boy," Claudio did not hold back the patronizing tone that reared its ugly head as he addressed Thane, " do you make a habit of being late, or is a lack of responsibility tied to your inability to sit like a little good boy?"
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The Heart is Nothing More than a series of pumps and Vessels.
The Soul is the Mystery that confounds all Puzzles.
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