
Name: Kella
Age: 18
Appears to be: 18
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Human
Weapons/Powers: Invisibility
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Dark blue
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Personality: Changes a lot
Bio: Kella discovered her powers at an early age and tends to use them a lot mainly only when she thought they needed to be used. Her emotions always get the better of her and they seemed to have gotten worse over to years. She isn't sure if she has a mental disorder or not so she just ignores them. Her powers are mostly used because of her emotions when ever she is scared or nervous her hands start to disappear continuing with the rest of her body. Object or people that make contact with her will vanish along with the rest of her body. Her child hood was normal besides the fact that she could disappear. Kella's parents kept her inside most of the time worried about her power being discovered. They were in the high class people who thought the opinions of others were very important. So she doesn't have a lot of people skills, which makes her really sensitive to comments made by them.
xXPollute_My_DreamsXx · Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 01:36am · 0 Comments |