Name: Malan
Age: 16
Species: Porcupine
Gender: Male
Height: 3 feet and 41 inches
Weight: 82 lbs.
IQ: 110
Marital Status: Single
Date of Birth: November 25
Birth Place: The ODE (A secret underwater base)
Residence: Mystic Ruins, in the forest
Occupation: Hitman
Social Class: Vigilante
Economic Class: Lower class
Alignment: Neutral
Top Speed: 170mph
Basic Stats
Agility: 3
Speed: 9
Strength: 3
Defense: 5
Evasiveness: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 5
Battle Skill: 5
Normal Attacks: Roll, spinball jump, homing attack, psychokinesis
Special Attack: “Psycho-implosion” Malan uses his psychokinetic powers to crush his opponent’s insides together, creating an implosion with enough pressure. The problems are that his opponent needs to be moving slow enough for him to properly use this attack, and it uses about 85% of his energy-leaving him weakened. Also, the attack can be stopped with a simple hit to knock him off focus.
Powers: Psycho-kinesis. Tracks the location of others through mind waves. Can talk to people mentally.
Hobbies & Talents: Loves to adventure and explore new places. He is always looking for action and will usually do anything to find some, even if it means holding up a bank just to fight some police officers. Is great at hiding his feelings(except for anger).
Weaknesses: In battle, pushes himself to the extreme and usually runs out of energy easily. Is kind of bipolar; one minute he is cracking jokes and teasing, the next he is completely serious. Favors being independent over having friends, and because of this he tries to avoid friendships. Pushes people away. Is selfish and won’t help others unless it will benefit him in some way.
Personal facts
Friends: Crescent, Airi, and Backlash(according to him, nobody).
Rivals: Sonic the Hedgehog(wants to prove he is better than Sonic, but is usually outwitted because of Sonic’s faster speed.) and Carnage.
Enemies: Darklight
Known relatives: Brother-Darklight
Likes/favorite activities: Adventuring, fighting, challenges, moving objects with his mind
Dislikes/least favorite activities: People who deem him ‘friend’, failing, questions about his past, Chao
Gourmet of choice: Tilapia fish
Beverage of choice: Kukicha Twig Tea
Favorite color(s): Dark purple
Is mostly quiet, but when he does talk, is rude and always has some mean comment to say. Won’t hesitate in hurting other’s feelings, and is very cold-hearted. Is stubborn and always believes his way is the right way. Refuses to accept any form of help from others, and hates the concept of friendship. Towards people he knows, is more outgoing and a bit nicer(if he likes them). On rare occasions, will commit a caring act(but he will always make a lame excuse for doing so afterwards). His bipolar attitude leaves others guessing about how to act around him.
Physical Appearance
Color: Purple
Skin color: Muzzle is light brown, inner ears are beige
Eye color: Green
Hair/Quill Style: A yellow band holds his quills out of his face(like a ponytail)
Nose: Small, round, and black
Ears: Small and pointy
Tail: Medium-sized and pointy
Other bodily features: White stripe across his chest
Attire: white gloves, red-white-and-blue sneakers
Items & Weapons: None
Vehicles: None
Theme Song: Indestructible by Disturbed
Was an experiment created in a secret, underwater hi-tech lab codenamed The ODE. The scientists there attempted to create a ‘super-race’, a group of creatures who would fight evil to preserve peace. Malan was the first successful creation, with great mental abilities. As a result of this boost of confidence, more experiments were mass-produced, including one green and black capybara named Darklight. Because of the mass-production going on, only some of the experiments were successful, and the failures were ‘terminated’. Since Malan was the first of the ‘new era’, as the scientists called it, he was paid the most attention to. He was happy and friendly during this time, and trusted Darklight the most. Darklight, however, eventually became jealous of Malan and deceived him into accidentally killing his ‘mother’(the scientist who donated an egg to create him), sparking a massacre that left Malan, Darklight, and a few lucky scientists the sole survivors. Malan escaped from The ODE with the newfound belief that no one should be trusted. He believes Darklight was killed in the massacre.
The base was destroyed because of a certain floating island which fell from the sky and crushed it. Malan settled in an isolated place in Mystic Ruins and took up a job as a Hitman, killing people not only for money, but to feed his anger. He would have completely become evil, if not for meeting Crescent during one of his missions. Crescent befriended Malan(although he says they aren’t friends) and convinced him to form a gang with him. Presently, Malan is getting used to the other members.
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C.B.A.M.C consists of 5 members: Crescent the Hedgehog, Backlash the Squirrel, Airi the Canary, Malan the Porcupine, and Carnage the Coyote. The group name is made up of each of the member's first initials. They are just people that hang out, and though each member has their own views on what they should do to 'hang' (i.e. stir up trouble, fight crime, GARDEN O_o), they always manage to find themselves in a predicament where they must work together.

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