Okay, well i'm pretty bored-ish and i'm just gonna make an entry on the Manifest Anime Festival, im pretty sure it's the second largest to Supernova, anime festival in Australia and i'm pretty stoked about going, i'll be going Saturday 22'nd of August 2009 with my good friends Stephen, Terry, Ash, Reece, and others that i'm unsure are going. It seems from research that it's the 10th anniversary of the Manifest, so it's going to be ENOURMOUS !! Theres alot more packed into this one than previous years, and there will probably be so many things I want to get there that I won't be able to choose ! It's going to be fun
the bad thing is i'll have to get up at 5:30-6:00am in the morning to go to the station and meet up there with them, just to get in quickly so we don't wait in a line for 3 hours sweatdrop I know that there can be gigantic lines at things like this, so i'd rather early in the morning, I just hope I can actually get up and do it.
So anyway at there, i'm hoping to get my Half hollow mask necklace from the festival that i've been raving about
something special to give to Onn that i'm really excited about, i'll keep an eye out for something to get her ! blaugh
and i'm hoping, if theres one there, a replica sword, (probably made of wood) of Ichigo's Zangetsu in it's Bankai form, that'd be awesome !! and I can't wait to see Reece's sword he got from Supernova of Ichigo's, which I shall probably steal for the whole day carrying it around like i'm crazy, which I am anyway so .. stare
Darn that time though, getting up that early and going out, I don't think i've ever got up this early for something before, but i'd really love to go, I have to somehow find a way that i'll get up at 5:20 or something and get ready and walk down there, my parents will probably be too tired to drive me, and also it'll be cold. xd
Well i'll fill in the rest of what happens on the day tommorow (depending on if i don't fail on getting up early to go)
Ok well i got up at 5:00am and got ready to go to manifest, luckily my parents did too and I was shaking so much when I got up, it was really REALLY cold, we went down to where i was meeting them at 5:50 and waited for 40 minutes or something then they came finally, so i left to go on the train with them
OKAY, i'm so so very glad that i got up this early to get to manifest quickly, we got there about 8:30 or something, and it was packed already!! the line of 100+ people even though it was early in the morning went down to nearly the gates, but it was AWESOME, the amount of cosplayers was really cool, I got quite alot of pictures of the ones i liked, and it took us an hour of waiting in line to get through, but only reece stephen and peter came, Joey came much later, and I think terry/ash got up far too late and i don't know what happened with them
but guess what, the line was horrifying by the time it was 11 or so, and joey had to wait for around 3 hours to get in!!!! gonk I feel extremely sorry for him. there must have been over 1000+ people coming to this years one, and when i looked at the line (each time no matter when, even when we left) it went out past the buildings 4 times longer than before and past the gates going out onto the streets!!!) i'm so glad reece suggested coming early.
I didn't get the excact necklace I wanted, but I got others, I got a full mask which looks pretty awesome, and I now own my own Death Note which came with an awesome accesory wink though the death note was a little tatty and bent because of poor handling or something or other, the accesory is really awesomely well crafted and i'm happy about that, maybe i can unbend the edging of the death note by putting weight on it, i hope that works.
And i'm very very happy because i got something special for Onn which i'm not revealing on here, she'll find out on monday wink (your probably reading this xd )
and we got nifty passes as our keys to getting into all the places which felt really cool, kind of v.i.p sortof blaugh
I don't know why but im sitting like L and typing like him at the moment probably because i watched the live action movie 3 with peter when we got home
we didn't stay for long at manifest because we blew all our money and got bored, but overall this was a great great really fun day and i'm glad i got memories and pictures of different cosplayers for it to show how crazy it was,
(hehe just had to do that)
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