This is Where Ill put Some of my Lovely Drawings From My Very Wonderfull Friends.
========================================================================================================== Drawings Done by sam~ heart

Drawings By Blake~ heart

Drawings Done By Morgan~ heart

This drawing was a going away gift by me good friend morgan its suspose to be me, kattie and morgan her self to remind me of all the good times we had hanging to geather thanks morgan i love it i wont never forget.
Drawings Done By Stacy~ heart

This Drawing was an birth day gift from my wonderfull friend stacy. it is suspose to be me and her its awsome i love it, thanks stacy.
Drawings Done By Lezily

This is Where Ill put Some of my Lovely Drawings From My Very Wonderfull Friends.
========================================================================================================== Drawings Done by sam~ heart

Drawings By Blake~ heart

Drawings Done By Morgan~ heart

This drawing was a going away gift by me good friend morgan its suspose to be me, kattie and morgan her self to remind me of all the good times we had hanging to geather thanks morgan i love it i wont never forget.
Drawings Done By Stacy~ heart

This Drawing was an birth day gift from my wonderfull friend stacy. it is suspose to be me and her its awsome i love it, thanks stacy.
Drawings Done By Lezily


Thanks, thanks for every thing heart I love you all!!!! ^.^