Rockeny Rominov
Barron Drayson
Rockeny Rominov
Barron Drayson
((Wow I get ignored in my own thread. Well I'll godmodd if I have to.))
~The only sound ,to be heard, as the mad man laughs...~
~((Maybe cause your a loser... stare ))~

~Is like a concave scream...~
~So you admit your a loser for godmodding?~

~Is like a concave scream...~
~The only sound ,to be heard, as the mad man laughs...~
~So you don't deny your a loser?~

~Is like a concave scream...~
~FYI: He never answers back! whee ~

Lord Buckey ONiel
((leave it to Rock to go and screw everything up. I have a major headache so I'll remake him tomorrow. Good night everyone))
~Brought to you by the Bonnie and Clyde of Gaia~
Delilah nodded at Rockeny and picked him up. Flying over the cities she appeared before the Heaven Gaurd establishment. Smiling she growled barring her fangs at Drayson for having the audacity to portal her away. Dropping Rockeny she landed on the sidewalk next to him. She kicked down the door with a grenade in hand.
Delilah's eyes turned red as she bolted into the bar. She pulled the clip as soon as they kicked down the door. The timer on the grenade was set for four minutes. Smiling she called for him, "Drayson!" She was at the door when she called his name, now she was infront of him. She laughed as Rockeny melted the armor with ease.
Delilah pulled Drayson's hair and brought his head down as she lifted her knee up, collision. His jaw dislodged and his teeth hit the back of his throat. Drawing a small dagger from her pocket she stabbed him in his left eye, when she pulled the blade his eyeball came too.
By the time Acadia's body had hit the ground a minute had passed. She smiled at Rockeny knowing he was having fun, "Just remember we're on a time limit, you have three more minutes." She wasn't happy about him killing Nyx, but she wouldn't let Nyx stop them from killing Drayson or Acadia.
Removing the eyeball from her blade she turned back to Drayson dropping him to the floor she kicked him in the stomach four times. The first two times he coughed, the third he bled and by the fourth kick he was vomiting his guts. Delilah flipped him over, and stomped on his ribs breaking them under her boots. Drayson's body convulsed and he screamed in agony.
As Drayson screamed only a minute was left on the grenade's timer. She spit on his face and shoved the grenade in his throat letting him choke on it. Delilah rolled her eyes at what Rockeny said. Laughing at the truth that Acadia died due to Drayson being irrational.
Nodding at Rockeny she smiled slitting Drayson's wrists before standing completely. "Are you ready? We have thirty seconds baby." Grabbing Rockeny's hands she kissed him on the lips and smiled. "Oh! I almost forgot." Delilah turned around and kneeled she unzipped Drayson's pants. She grinned reaching in and grabbed Drayson's deformed balls crushing them in her hands, "b*****d."
Ten seconds left. She looked at Rockeny, "We have to go." She grabbed his scarf and dragged him out. Picking him up yet again in flight. Flying six stories high and thirty feet back she turned so they could watch the building explode.
The heat was intense, even thirty feet away. The flames reached four stories high and caused the two conjoining buildings to explode. Debris flew in all directions as well as charred body parts, grinning she spoke softly, lovingly to Rockeny, "Guess there were more people in there than I thought." She smiled and laughed flying away into a new state with Rockeny in her grasp.
Delilah's eyes turned red as she bolted into the bar. She pulled the clip as soon as they kicked down the door. The timer on the grenade was set for four minutes. Smiling she called for him, "Drayson!" She was at the door when she called his name, now she was infront of him. She laughed as Rockeny melted the armor with ease.
Delilah pulled Drayson's hair and brought his head down as she lifted her knee up, collision. His jaw dislodged and his teeth hit the back of his throat. Drawing a small dagger from her pocket she stabbed him in his left eye, when she pulled the blade his eyeball came too.
By the time Acadia's body had hit the ground a minute had passed. She smiled at Rockeny knowing he was having fun, "Just remember we're on a time limit, you have three more minutes." She wasn't happy about him killing Nyx, but she wouldn't let Nyx stop them from killing Drayson or Acadia.
Removing the eyeball from her blade she turned back to Drayson dropping him to the floor she kicked him in the stomach four times. The first two times he coughed, the third he bled and by the fourth kick he was vomiting his guts. Delilah flipped him over, and stomped on his ribs breaking them under her boots. Drayson's body convulsed and he screamed in agony.
As Drayson screamed only a minute was left on the grenade's timer. She spit on his face and shoved the grenade in his throat letting him choke on it. Delilah rolled her eyes at what Rockeny said. Laughing at the truth that Acadia died due to Drayson being irrational.
Nodding at Rockeny she smiled slitting Drayson's wrists before standing completely. "Are you ready? We have thirty seconds baby." Grabbing Rockeny's hands she kissed him on the lips and smiled. "Oh! I almost forgot." Delilah turned around and kneeled she unzipped Drayson's pants. She grinned reaching in and grabbed Drayson's deformed balls crushing them in her hands, "b*****d."
Ten seconds left. She looked at Rockeny, "We have to go." She grabbed his scarf and dragged him out. Picking him up yet again in flight. Flying six stories high and thirty feet back she turned so they could watch the building explode.
The heat was intense, even thirty feet away. The flames reached four stories high and caused the two conjoining buildings to explode. Debris flew in all directions as well as charred body parts, grinning she spoke softly, lovingly to Rockeny, "Guess there were more people in there than I thought." She smiled and laughed flying away into a new state with Rockeny in her grasp.
Rockeny Rominov
~The only sound ,to be heard, as the mad man laughs...~
~Rockeny grunted as she lifted him. He hated flying. It wasn't his type of ordeal. His race was among the strongest and greatest hunters on the earth. They were the fastest and could kill most anything. But...That was on land.
Rockeny landed in a crouch on the ground and flickered, reapearing, next to Delilah. As she kicked down the door the tempurature, dropped below, freezing. Rockeny moved inside next to her snarling, they would all die. All of them! To bad Drayson was tired...
As the walked inside ,Rockeny extended his arms, and sent a concussive blast of heat out at the suits of armour that had tried to murder him. The blast blew them to pieces, melting them, to useless hunks of metal.
Rockeny moved in a blur. The blur soon disapeared as he moved forwards to Acadia. His blade flashed as it plunged in between her legs, impaling her, letting so much intestines and bile fall to the floor. He flicked his blade to the side, sending her, flying through the air, only to slice her in half. "Wow. So much s**t in that slut." Rockeny muttered shaking his head, before moving, towards Nyx. "I know." He said in irritation to Delilah. Why couldn't he just enjoy himself?!
His form flickered and he reapeared in front of Nyx. "Your mine b***h." He said chuckling in his deep bass voice. Rockeny moved and grasped her by the hair and dragged her to the bar. Moving behind it and holding her, he grabbed bottle after bottle, smashing them on her face. The shards cut her face and eyes. He rolled her face in it and smacked it against the counter repeadetly. "Do you like it?" Rockeny grasped her ears and wrenched upon them. One of them tore off the other did not come off all the way. He sighed.
"That wasn't supposed to happen." Rockeny grasped her by her hair and dragged her to the bar and slammed her face into the rows of bottles. Dropping her to the ground, he grasped her by an ankle and swung her against the floor, like a ragdoll repeadetly. She wasn't allowed to die yet...No. He moved to her prone form and sliced her achilles tendons, cutting through her ankles, nearly, half through. He then stepped on her knees lightly and applied light pressure and increased it. Her knees popped and he continued grinding them to splinters. When they were broken he stood her up and stood his massive blade up. "There you go deary." Rockeny murmured, letting her fall forward, and impale herself. As she slid down Rockeny parted her hair from her face to watch her disgusting face as she died. He rolled her off of his blade, kicking her off the rest of the way. Moving in front of her he parted his robes and pissed on her body, humming to himself.
Rockeny hopped over the counter and licked a few drops of blood, that had gotten on his hand, off. "Im bored now." Rockeny moved over to Drayson and looked over at the man. "You messed with the wrong people... Because of you, your lovely slut died, and your friend, had to die... Because of you." The man shook his head. Such a sad shame.
Rockeny winced as as she crushed the mans genitalia. He felt bad for him. A little. Rockeny let himself be dragged by her.
He sighed as she grasped him by the arms and flew him upwards. As the building exploded, Rockeny, jumped. "Holy s**t! I wasn't expecting the explosion to be that big!" As the two adjoining buildings next to it exploded into flames. As they flew off Rockeny muttered, "What do we do now?"
((We godmodded back. ^_^ :p Just wanted to make sure I was on your "list" lol.
You've just been raped by the rofl Bonnie and Clyde of Gaia. rofl heart )) ~

~Is like a concave scream...~