Chapter 2
Why to always bring a knife
OK, who ever heard of a ******** hero shopping? I mean I guess batman needs to eat and get new clothes now and then. Wait docen't his butler do it for him? Meh, could be worse. You know I just realized I never told the city I am in. Its the good old city of angels. L.A., don't you love it.
Well before I buy the clothes, I need to buy some food first. I'm freaking starving. Well there is a local 24/7 type of convenience store near me. That will work. You know, I wonder how many stores get robbed a year? I have to stop talking to my self, It ain't healthy.
Alright lets see here, what do I have written down on this list? I need to by a buy few beers, bread, milk, eggs, and other junk. I swear that clerk keeps watching me, do I really look like I robbed this s**t hole? I tell you if he doesn't stop watching me I'm going to take this knife and cut his eyes out one at a time.
Alright everything on my list is checked off except bread. Lets see, here we go. " I said give me all the ******** cash in the register!" What the hell is going on now? Dammit, that's all I need, some jackass trying to rob the store. Wait theres two men, well, that's wonderful.
" I'm not kidding man, you think this gun isn't loaded? I'll fill your ******** tan a** full of holes if you don't give me the cash." "Please don't shoot me, wait didn't you robbed me last week?" " No... That was some other guy, just give me the cash!" " Alright, alright just don't shoot me."
OK, I have to think here. I can either let them get away, or I can start this hero idea a bit earlier than I thought. Hm, well, it would be nice to stalk up on some weapons. Alright how to approach this... I know! Hello gentlemen, how are you? "What the ********, get on the floor now!" It looks like their not use to this kind of s**t. "I swear man, If you don't get on the floor now I'll get Joe to fill you full of ******** lead!" "Man you said my ******** name dumbass. Now we have to kill them both!"
Well lets see here, what to do. Then a thought came to my head, and that evil grin appeared again. Heres the dear gentlemen. I have 200 bucks on me. Why don't I just walk over and give it to you. Then you men can leave a bit richer then when you came in. They looked at echother for a second, then at the clerk, and then back at me. "Alright man, but walk slowly.
I walked my way to the two men. I could tell they were nervous as hell. I liked that, it going to make this so much fun. I made it about two feet infront of the man who was next to the cleark. " OK that's far enough, now hand over the cash!" Sure, of course. I gave the man the money. "Alright man, too bad you have to ******** die now." Oh, but can I ask a question though? "What?" Are your ears ringing? "What sorta question is that?...."
I struck so quickly. The knife just sliced through the air and into the mans ear. I could see the life leave the man's eyes as he fell to the ground. His partner had no time to react. He stood there stuned, gave me pleanty of time to take his buddie's gun and shoot the man in the arms.
I wasn't done yet. I took the man's shot gun."You ******** b*****d!" "Wait, what the ******** are you doing?" I am just going to take the pain from your arms. Two shots is all it took and his feet were only puddles of blood. " Oh my ******** god, my feet, just kill me please!" Alright, since you asked so politely. I took the barrel of the gun and put it in the mans mouth. I could hear him gargle "go to hell!"
I'm already there. I pulled the trigger and the mans brains splattered on the floor. Once that was done I took my groceries and calmly looked at the clerk.A pack smokes too sir. I was going to pay him but he said, " keeps all of it please" I also took the one mans pistol as a little prize. When I got back to the apartment I put everything away, and hid gun some where safe.
I made my self a sandwich and opened up a beer. I sat In the chair and turned on the T.V. Today I had killed two men, and felt no sorrow for them. I must feel no regret for what who I kill. For If I do, It only means that they havent ******** up some ones life yet. Tonight I'll just sit here and relax. I'll forget the evil crimes i comit, and do what every other person does. Kill brains cells by watching some good old television.
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