Okay, so this is what I have done since going back to school:
7 poems
Unit 1 review (poems) ~ Passed!
Fantasy report ~ Got done in two days. Haha, it isn't an essay anymore! Just at least 1 paragraph for each day. There are seven still.
World History unit 4 ~ Passed!
3 Microsoft word papers
U.S. History chapter 1 of unit 1
(Shut up, I know it isn't a lot of class work nor a lot of homework. I'm working at least 6 hours at school and 3-4 hours at home. Yeah... I'm actually trying. Try and bullshit me now, non-believers! The only problem with getting the work is all the newbies there freakin' always gotta ask things before me. D:< wink
Credits earned so far: At least 1
Here are things I am working on for homework tonight:
1 poem
Things I will be doing in class tomorrow:
World History Final ~ Power point (as long as I can nab the computer I need first.)
1-3 poems
U.S. History ch1 test
1-5 microsoft word papers
Things I will do for homework tomorrow:
(First off... Damn that there is no transportation on Fridays! I really really need to stay after school, but... I have no ride. So I guess I'll do homework at home..)
2-5 poems
Country report
And on Saturday:
5 poems
5 poems
Oh, and by the way... If I do say so myself, there are three guys at the school that are really cute! Though I highly doubt they would like me at all, and I'd be way too shy to ask anything more than, "Hi, how are you?" I did however, manage to hang out with one of them. Though I feel stupid for what I said. "Hey, we thought you were lonely, so we came to hang out with you." Yeah... Pretty lame. Shannon Meyers and I both exchanged names of two guys. Also pretty lame of us. One is Brandon, and the other is Tyler. We're all sitting in the corner of the computer class talking about boys and pretending to do our U.S. History. (Ahah... This is actually a first for me.. -feels like a retard-)
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My life's... Writing.
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I guess I'm pretty much of a lone wolf. I won't say I don't like people at all but, to tell you the truth I only like it then if I have a chance to look deep into their hearts and their minds.