The girl sat in the corner, huddling close to herself. Her back was to the world and she seemed to be doing something in the privacy of her own little bubble. She seemed to be crying for some reason. The room was dark and filled with sorrow. She dropped something metal and it made a clink as it hit the cold floor. She turned around and her face was red and puffy from crying...and her wrists were bloody and scarred. She stared into my wide eyes and croaked, 'Help me...', in a voice that made my heart shatter, as she pointed to her wrists. I stared right back at her and gasped when I realized that I knew the girl. She was me.
The girl was in the middle of the meadow. Her back was to the world and she seemed to be doing something in the privacy of her own little bubble. She seemed to be laughing for some reasong. The place was bright and warm with happiness. She picked up a flower and it didn't make a noise as it was put in her hair. She turned around and her face was blushy and beautiful. She stared into my wide eyes and sang, 'Help me...', in a voice that warmed my heart, as she pointed to the flowers. I stared right back and gasped when I realized that I knew the girl. She was me.

The girl was in the middle of the meadow. Her back was to the world and she seemed to be doing something in the privacy of her own little bubble. She seemed to be laughing for some reasong. The place was bright and warm with happiness. She picked up a flower and it didn't make a noise as it was put in her hair. She turned around and her face was blushy and beautiful. She stared into my wide eyes and sang, 'Help me...', in a voice that warmed my heart, as she pointed to the flowers. I stared right back and gasped when I realized that I knew the girl. She was me.

Community Member
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