You and your lover set off to that previously-mentioned, elusive, seaside town. The town is in sight.
All that is left to traverse is the rugged flatlands. You make a bee-line for your destination. Smiling because all is well. Or so you thought.... In reality, there is an ambush waiting for you. The Olsen Harbringer Twins.
Noted as being fierce warriors you feel yourself put off guard at their presence. All of your senses
are warning you that they are not from this planet. They look foreign, despised, friendless. As you prepare for battle
you are startled as the Twins begin to morph... One half begins to switch with the other's half. You'll be in for a tough go.
___________ The Specifics:
1. Make a male or female halfatar monster/beast... thing. Basically it has to be something that looks as if it could put up a fight
2. Make a halfatar that is opposite the first one. Different Gender and reverse the halves.
3. Write an all out battle between yourself, the lovers and these cretins.
Remember to really work on developing a character that you can have fun with. Capture the emotions and most
importantly, have fun! No late entries will be accepted. PM me the entries.
** NO Dream Free is allowed.
** Entries due Sunday, August 30th. Before midnight. I am on the west coast. ;D
Jamais Changeant
The first two are tekteks and are just meant to give a general idea of what each twin looks like whole.
Jam and Paix begin heading to town. Late that night (almost the next morning) they encounter the twins known as Midnight and Twilight. These twins say nothing and merely try to drive the lovers mad. By supporting one another they are able to hang on to their sanity. Once they figure out the twins tricks they hold the two apart until the sun is fully in the sky. The twins disappear, defeated. Jam and Paix give each other kudos.

Paix awoke Jam the next morning bright and early. When she first opened her eyes she was not sure what she would see. Her mind was jumbled, caught between sleep and awareness. The events of the previous night seemed like a myth. A man with an eye such as his could not exist. Yet, sure enough, when she blinked the sleep out of her eyes his breathtaking face was the first thing she saw. It was not beauty that she saw in it, it was mystery, something that intrigued Jam far more.
She was lost for words, but luckily he seemed just as intent on silence. The look in his normal eye said that he was just as intrigued by her. They washed and ate in silence before she realized that they were alone. When she was about to inquire about this he was already speaking. "My mother saw fit to leave in the night. She took her entourage with her. I travel alone...normally. You do not have to go to town with me if you have other plans?" He questioned her, almost as though he was nervous of her answer. As though he were begging her not to break ways.
Of course, the calm on his face caused Jam to wonder if she was imagining this emotion beneath his words. "I have no real destination in mind, other than where the stars point." She said with a vague smile, nerves that she'd never felt before kicking on overdrive.
As soon as she said it he hopped to his feet and began to pack his few things. She watched in mild amusement, wondering if it was excitement on his part that she was seeing. Once they had both had their fill to eat they headed north, towards the town that he spoke of. It was two days away, they planned to make camp along the road when they felt tired.
They were silent, for the most part. Paix asked Jam a question now and again, and she answered, without telling too much. They stopped only twice, to eat.

It was late at night when they began to consider making camp. It was actually later than late. They had lost track of the time and it was that part of the day just before the sun would rise again to break the dark blanket of the night.
They were out in the open, no people around for miles when a whistling sound echoed around them. Jam felt her heart jump slightly as she reached immediately for her dagger, she noticed Paix reach for his rapier at the same time. They stood back to back as the whistling grew louder and louder until Jam had the urge to rip her ears off.
At about the time that she was sure she would go insane the sound suddenly stopped. She blinked, confused, she could have sworn that it had been brighter a moment ago, but now she saw only darkness in front of her. And she felt something strange on her hand, like a feather.

Was she blinded? Had she gone insane? Where had Paix gone!? She turned her head just in time to see a flash of light sparkling behind her. Paix stood with a woman who nearly blinded Jam. She saw his good eye lulling in his head, but as she looked his patched eye snapped and landed right on her, almost like it was bearing through her soul.

A scream escaped her lips as she pushed herself away from the feather on her hand and fell to the ground at Paix's feet. He reached out with a trembling hand as the female figure beside him backed away. For a moment, all Jam could see was his hand, then the ground slowly came into focus. She looked up and saw that the bright woman had been joined by a dark, feathered, man.

Recognition hit her as the two joined hands and began shimmering and fading. These creatures were the path breakers. "Midnight", the man, was the creature of the night who could not, a did not need to, see. His eyes had been stitched up long ago so that he could be stronger when utilizing his other sense. "Twilight", the woman, was the lady of the new morn who could not, and did not need to, talk. Her mouth had never taken form, but her eyes shimmered as bright as the bright blue sky and entranced any onlooker.
They were twins who were only seen together at this particularly strange time of day. Though they were an amazing sight to behold few walked away from them with their sanity in tact. Jam's hand finally caught hold of Paix's who pulled her to her feet and did not let go.
They stood, hand in hand, as they watched these unearthly twins shift. Midnight took Twilight's bottom half and visa versa. When the transformation was complete Midnight let out another whistle like before. This time, Jam knew what it was. It was the sound known as the war-cry of the night. Midnight was about to attack! Jam and Paix continued to hold hands, certain that they might lose their minds again if they let go.

Midnight rushed at them, skirts flowing beneath him in his speed, planets orbiting faster as though they might leap out before he stopped. Jam lifted her dagger, certain that it was useless. Midnight stopped, suddenly, just in front of her. His beak nuzzled her cheek and his feathered hand stroked her shoulder. He whistled softly in her ear, a tune that made her want to release Paix and fall into Midnight's arms. Paix tightened his grip, as though he was aware of her thoughts. With that soft, human pull on her hand she felt awareness returning again. The bond that Midnight was trying to create snapped and Jam slashed her dagger across Midnight's chest. He let out a screech louder than any he had let out before.
Twilight joined them then. She walked slowly up to them, talons clicking the hard ground in a steady rhythm. Jam looked upon with woman without the mouth fearing what might come next. She felt frozen, and distant now. As though Paix were miles away. He looked transfixed. His eyes were glued to Twilight's and his mouth was moving, but no words were coming out. Jam read his lips the best she could. "I surrender."
NO! She realized that they were still holding hands and tightened her grip like he had for her. When she did she saw his patched eye widen in the same moment that Twilight's eyes both widened. His eye flashed a brilliant purple color and Twilight collapsed in a heap, next to her brother's limp body. Though they were down Jam knew they were not out.
They were reaching for each others hands. To regain power? Jam cried out "Separate them! The sun is coming up. If they are separated at the time that the sun is full in the sky then they will never be able to return to full power!" Without question, Paix finally released her hand and rushed to Twilight's side. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back. She glared, trying to entrance him again, but he knew her trick now, he closed both eyes.
In turn, Jam ran to Midnight's side and pulled him away as well. Before he could sing his intoxicating tune again she wrapped one arm around his body and clamped her other hand over his beak.

The sun rose slowly, but as it did Jam noticed that both figures seemed to be fading. By the time the sun was full in the sky the figures were gone.

Jam let out a sigh as Paix finally opened his eyes. When he realized what they had done he grinned from ear to ear. "Quick thinking, Jamais." She shook her head. "I'd have been lost without you." She replied, though she couldn't help but reflect his smile in her own face.

Last of 9
The Double Trouble
Round IV
Round IV
Yoy's devastating journey to free his family from the dreaded curse of the demon fan had unexpectedly taken a turn for the better.
Miss Tela, the young girl whom he and Kuu had met while in search of the merchant town to purchase supplies, had convinced her over protective father that it was in her best interest to travel with Yoy with hopes of helping him remove the demon curse from his family. She had told her father that if she could do this she could become a demon warder in the big leagues and she would be able to support a family with the securities she would gain from that life. Her father couldn't argue the fact that she was all ready an exceptional demon hunter with great skills in warding as well.
But with some time and deep thinking her father realized she had potential to be great, and going with Yoy, whether he liked it or not, would probably set her on the right path in achieving her dreams. Every father just wanted their daughter to be happy.
And there they were, Tela, Yoy, and Kuu traveling together to the beach side merchant town.
Yoy and Tela were deep in childish conversation that warmed one another's hearts. They obviously enjoyed each other's company. Kuu on the other hand was just a little annoyed he wasn't receiving the attention, so every now and then he'd jump from his master's shoulder and chase after Tela's cape trying to tug on it.
As they walked along the beach side in their blissful ignorance of the coming shadows, the three chuckled and laughed with one another with a sight of the merchant town in the distance.
Suddenly, as if the world had stopped spinning, Kuu fell from the end of Tela's cape and turned in the opposite direction of the pair. The fur on his neck began to stand on end as he hissed. Something emitting a furious aura was approaching them.
"What is it Kuu?" Tela asked placing a hand on her short ninja blade.
Yoy looked around clenching his fan tighter. "He senses something. Tela can you tell if there are demons approaching?"
She closed her eyes and tried to focus. "I definitely can sense something now, but the wavelength is jumpy. I can't tell if this is demon residue or not." She bit down on her lip, a bit nervous about the upcoming threat. The pressure of the aura was to strong they wouldn't be able to run away from them now. Especially on the beach in the sand where their movement would be limited. Suddenly Tela's eyes widen, there were two of them approaching. "Yoy, here they come." She said crouching into a battle position.
"Kuu, hide." Yoy eyed the shoreline. "I'm ready." Surprisingly he wasn't as timid or shaky when considering the unforeseen this time. Whether he knew it or not this strength of courage came from Tela standing by his side.
The sand before them parted and opened a swirling portal. From the portal the black demon residue rose, as well as a red residue. The demon dust formed into shapes. The first one a male demon figure in black ninja armor with a green jewel floating above his head. He had various plant life on his shoulders and feet. The second figure was of a woman. She was elegant in her red design of battle gear.
The male spoke first. "Dear sister, would you look at the pair that pulled us here from the other realm."
"Why yes my brother, they seem to be a rather playful and happy bunch." Each spoke with a drilling monotone that seemed to pierce their very souls.
"Would you agree then sister, that their joy will provide us with a meal to feast on for a lifetime?" The brother spoke in his low voice while licking his lower lip.
"I'd say so brother." The sister lightly nodded.
Yoy, and Tela remained motionless, but were on guard as the demons floated there. It was the sight they saw next that threw them from their steady readiness into a spiral of confusion. The twins touch one another's hands and began to morph in color from the waist down. Tela instantly recognized this type of demon, but she never imagined that they would have not been able to sense their residue in time.
"Yoy be careful these demons feed off of emotions, and they are relation demons meaning they can exchange power with one another during battles." Tela took a few steps back as she spoke.
Yoy nodded and followed her pursuit.
The male demon dove at Yoy and began slashing at him with his large double blade kunai.
Yoy barely was able to maneuver around his slashes and counter with his various bursts of wind.
Meanwhile the female demon lunged herself at Tela swinging her mighty newly transformed club. Tela dodged with ease and attempted to counter back with her blade.
The battle commenced as each dodged and exchanged blows while keeping an eye on their partners.
Tela turned and faced Yoy while the demons exchanged partners. "YOY! WE NEED TO END THIS FAST!" She shouted to him.
Yoy ran towards Tela. "Defend me while I preform the chakram," she said. Yoy lifted his fan in front of him as Tela began to chant. She held her blade in front of her and slowly released her grip as the blade began to float in the air. It slashed through the area before her creating symbols that burst into blue flames.
The demons quickly recognized the warding symbols and began to focus their attention on Tela, but Yoy was quick to stop them in their tracks.
The two demons shot a ray of red flames from the tips of their weapons directly at Yoy and Tela in a effort to stop them. However Yoy quickly raised his fan and commanded the wind to form a protective ball of energy around the pair parting the flames into the sand and sea.
Seeing that their first element was defeated the pair combined attacks again this time changing up the combination. The male summoned a large root from the ground and shot the massive plant at Yoy as the female demon shot the top of the root with flames. Now a large plant vine with thorns and fire was starting to encircle the pair.
Thinking fast Yoy used the wind from his fan to cut into the root and the vines stalling the attack long enough for Tela to finish her chant.
The blue flame symbols circled around the two destroying any demon material close by. Tela then caught the blue flame at the tip of her blade and held it in front of Yoy. He nodded and gave one burst of his wind causing the blue flame to explode and shoot large amounts of energy engulfing the demon twins.
Without a trace the twins had vanished.
Yoy and Tela both fell to the ground exhausted as Kuu poked his head out of the sand right before Yoy causing him to fall back from shock. Tela grinned as Kuu sneezed sand out of his nose. All to tired to do much more than just relax.

Shani and Azili headed west. On the first night, Shani questioned Azili about what Hatshepsut had said about being a savior. Azili smiled a mirthless grin and leaned back against a log to begin his tale.
There is a city in the extreme West of this land called Algorith. It is a land torn apart by civil war. Brother fights brother for a reason no one knows. Not even the gods know what torments these people. Mother entrusted the Gaaraan to find the one person who could stop the senseless destruction, as they have been entrusted for centuries. We travel there now to find out what ails them.
Shani was very interested in what could possibly be troubling the people of Algorith that even the gods didn't know what was wrong. It filled her waking thoughts so often that she nearly forgot her nervousness around Azili. After five days and nights of hard travel, the couple reached a city highly fortified by a high stone wall all the way around the edges of the city. The wall was crumbling and shabby in some places, but the most troubling was the lack of guards at the gate. Azili and Shani approached cautiously.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up dust and two beings appeared. Azili hissed when the air cleared. Shani saw two glinting metallic beings: one all gold, one all silver. The sun glinted off their metallic bodies as they grinned maliciously.
"Who dares to attempt to enter our arena?" the silver one demanded in a horribly screeching female voice.
We should have known demons would be involved, Azili hissed as he drew his twin swords.
"Be still, kitten," the gold one screeched in an equally horrible yet masculine voice. "We are the demons Chaos and Calamity, and this is our personal battling arena. It is where our one pleasure in life is to be fulfilled!"
Demons! You are cruel, heartless beings. We have come in the name of the Mother Goddess, Hatshepsut, to destroy you.
"Don't be so sure, little kitty..." "We're more powerful than you think!"
Suddenly, the two demons linked arms. Their bodies began to meld together as one, then they split off into two again. This time they were half and half: each one was half of the other. It was a horribly gruesome scene that made Shani wretch even as she drew her wand.
WE. SHALL. DEFEAT YOU!!!!!!!! Azili leapt forward onto the male and began hacking and slashing with all the ferocity of a War God. Shani was so stunned by his prowess that she almost missed the female coming after her.
"Puny little whelp! I'll take care of the Goddess's savior!" She shot an ancient spell at Shani straight from the tip of her lethal looking whip. Shani leaped to one side and muttered a curse that bound the demon in tightly wrapped vines. The demon stood still for a moment, then grinned as her whole body was momentarily engulfed in flames.
"It'll take more than parlor tricks to defeat me!"
For the next half hour, Shani was locked in a furious battle of spells with the demon. Every spell Shani shot at her, the demon countered and sent one of her own. The spells were so ancient and foreign that Shani could only duck and dodge; she had no hope of countering. Suddenly, there was an opening when the demoness was murmuring a spell that made Shani's skin crawl. Shani knew it was now or never. She stood straight in front of the demon and shouted a spell that she'd been instructed never to use. A blinding dark green light erupted from the tip of her wand and blasted a hole straight through the middle of the female demon. There was a moment when the demoness realized what had happened.
"I will be avenged," she screeched, sending shivers down Shani's spine before collapsing onto the ground and disintegrating into glittering dust. Shani took a couple of quivering breaths as her brain started to re-register the things around her. The first thing she noted was that Azili was still locked in battle with his demon, their weapons clanging. Then another sound registered, one that was much more sinister. There was a great crackling and crumbling. Shani looked up to see the huge wall protecting the city crumbling from the force of her final spell. Her heart froze as she realized that Azili was in danger of being crushed by the huge stones.
Running further away from the wall, Shani began frantically shouting a summoning spell as she thought of nothing but Azili. Strange scenes visited her mind as she thought about the war god: an image of a baby with blond cat ears and a familiar smile; Azili dressed in his finest armor waiting at the end of a petal strewn aisle; Azili asleep, naked from the waist up, as she lay on his chest...
Suddenly, the wall fell with a deafening crash, and Shani was knocked off her feet. When she opened her eyes, she was staring into the cat-like pupils of Azili. Her summoning spell had worked! She quickly turned her head to see the wall had fallen. There was no sign of the male demon. Then she felt an arm around her waist as she realized she was actually laying on top of Azili.
Good timing, that, he grinned as he panted. You saved my life.
Shani blushed before rolling out of his grip. The both sat and surveyed the damage from the distance.
Well. I guess we'd better go apologize.

Alistair had been following Adelaide for what seemed like ages now. They had easily slipped from the clutches of his mother's estate with a small fortune in provisions, but Alistair underestimated the vigor with which Adelaide would pursue their path.
Watching her navigate with nothing but what seemed to be an internal compass, Alistair thought back to what his tutor, Samedi, had said the day he found Adelaide. A disturbance had been growing steadily for the last decade, sending ripples of vast magic and power through the forest. Rumors had been surfacing that the time of reckoning was near, and indeed, the strength of these ripples had become so intense lately that even Alistair, a human, had begun to feel their pulse. Although Samedi would not tell him any more of his theory, Alistair knew one thing for certain; at the center of these ripples...was Adelaide.
Alistair was suddenly jarred from his thoughts by the thud of Adelaide's arm across his chest. He looked down to see what she was on about, and realized he was inches away from the tip of a ghastly sword, protruding rudely from a mound of refuse.
He looked to Adelaide, unsure what to do, but she simply stood and stared, willing the refuse to yield its secrets. He was about to step back when Adelaide's other arm shot out behind them to grab a wrist which had been inching towards them. Adelaide twisted around to face a masked, shimmering man, struggling against her grip.
"What do you mean by this unwarranted attack?" Adelaide demanded of him. The assailant simply began to chuckle, and it was only when Adelaide felt something move under her feet that she broke her stare.
The pile of refuse had begun to slither under their feet, and was now making its way up his shins. Before Adelaide had time to react, the sword was now in his grasp, and he twisted her around to hold it to her throat. What was left of the pile began to assimilate itself into the rough shape of a woman, however, in trading her sword to her partner, she had revealed her lower half. The same gauzy core as her counterpart emanated from below the refuse, which continued to shift and slither across the two bodies with unsettling ease.
His voice clear as a bell, hers guttural and raspy, the two creatures said in unison, "We are merely guardians, my sweet, and we know what dwells within you. We know what drives you, and we simply cannot allow you passage. Indeed, we cannot allow YOU."
Alistair, paralyzed with fear until now, leaped onto the back of the guardian, and attempted to wrench the sword from his hand. While ultimately failing, it gave Adelaide a chance to escape, and face the man head-on. She circled around, holding up her vessel with a look of determination in her eyes.
"I cannot allow the personification of human excess to go about unchallenged. You guard nothing of consequence." Adelaide had always taken after Friday in her speech patterns; she was not one for monologues.
The two creatures hissed, and melded into a flurry of refuse, spinning out of control and flinging shrapnel in every direction. Alistair attempted to run to Adelaide, but was stopped cold when a piece of metal pierced his calf. As he dragged himself towards her, the swirling vortex of discard pulsed, and before he lost consciousness, he saw streams of light gushing from it, being drawn into Adelaide's vessel. Her knees began to buckled under the pressure, and as everything went black, he saw her collapse.
Adelaide watched from the ground as the excess abruptly dropped to the ground, devoid now of it's borrowed life. She hugged her vessel close to her, and hurried over to the pile to unearth Alistair. She let out a resigned had begun.

As Hono and Omi marched into a forest, the sun setting on the distant horizon, a feeling that they were not alone crept over them. About an hours walk into the forest Hono caught a black blur to his right, a large hairy creature, he assumed from the brief glimpse. He drew his sword "Somethings out there" He said in a hushed voice. "You just now noticed?" She replied looking a bit startled "We have been followed by a yelow being, it was very easy to spot."
Hono glared at her "You mean you knew?!? You could have at least told me. Not like I didn't know or anything..." As he trailed off the fury beast approached from the side, suddenly a yellow humanoid was net to it. The beast growled and was joined by an eerie scream. The two beasts were torn in half and seemingly stitched back together on the others half.
"Holy shi.." Hono started but was cut off as the beast with the yellow bottom charged with stunning speed. He whipped his sword up and blocked the slash that had been directed at his side. "Now would be a great time to see what you can do Omi! Not to mention the help would be great..." He diflected another blow and heard Omi beginning to play on her flute.
The flute was joined by a horrific wail as the yellow topped monster began to glow with unnatural light. Hono felt his power grow as the music from Omi strengthened him. He sliced at the beast but was angry to see his blow knocked away. The monster infront of him seemed to be growing stronger also, he realized that the yellow top was granting the black topped beast power.
A plan sparked in his mind as he parried a stab from the creatures claws. He swung at his foes side, saw it blocked and then lunged forward. His blade sunk deep into the wailing creatures chest, it's horrid screeches turned to gurgling as blood spewed from its lips. The other beast roared and rushed Omi.
"Watch it!" Hono shouted at Omi, who opened her eyes to see the crazed being before her. She remained calm and easily sidestepped the creature slash, she smiled gently at Hono who screamed "The other hand!"
The music stopped as Omi was thrown off her feet as the blunt side of the claws connected with her lower ribs. It was Hono's turn to roar, Omi flying through the air kept replaying in his mind and he let the rage guide his movements. He swung ferociously and cleaved the blocking creatures claws in half. The sword continued penetrating deep into the side of the beast. It collapsed whimpering.
The two monsters were again ripped apart, this time returning to their original states. Hono ignored them and ran to Omi, collapsing to his knee's at her side. A tear slid down his cheek as he saw her closed eyes. "I'm fine" He barely heard her whisper "In my pouch their is medicine." Hono choked with happiness and searched hr body for the pouch of herbs.
Quiet Judgements

“Wow! I never have seen the wind demon lord in person before. You are one very high and important student if you’re allowed to go see the lord’s of each circle.” Ti awed as the group left the eighth circle lord’s mansion. Taki walked behind the two, loathing the fact that he had to go with Ti and Jude, “Well I think we got ourselves into more than we can handle going with Jude. I mean we don’t even know the full reasons on why he is learning from the demon lords anyway. How many have you visited anyway?” Jude turned and looked at Taki, “I’ve only visited four including my own master. That means the third, sixth, eleventh and now eighth have been visited and they each have taught me something to use and better myself as a warrior. I don’t know why I have to talk to all of them but it seems they and my master knows what they are doing, so I can not question the wisdom of the twelve lords.” After that was said they all walked in silence.
The silence was broken when Ti started to moan, “Ohhh, are we almost to the ninth circle yet? My feet hurt, are we there yet, I think I’m gonna pass out, Jude can you carry me?” Jude looked at her and sighed “How are you going to be an adventurer complaining?” She sighed “But I hate all this walking, can’t we buy some type of transportation?” Jude laughed, “It was your idea to pass up the hover craft shop.” Taki and Jude both in unison shook their heads and sighed “It was you that said a true adventurer can take the challenge of the walk.” They looked at each other and laughed. Ti moaned loudly “Ahhh, Well I don’t want to walk anymore. Lets find a place to rest.” Jude nodded, “We’ll stop once we enter the meadows of the ninth circle. I’ve heard that there is a spring that increases our senses in that vicinity. Taki agreed, “Let us hurry lest we want to hear Ti whine some more.”
The group reached the spring just before dusk. “Finally we can sit and rest” Ti said quickly dropping her pack and sitting on the smooth grass. She held her orb out in front of her, chanting a few words she created a small force field around her and her friends. “Shall we set up camp now?” she said setting her orb down on the ground. Taki sat down as well putting his scepter and pack down next to him. He began setting a fire. Once the fire was lit, all three of them sat and relaxed a bit, Jude spoke more on what his experiences before his mission were like, describing his master and his tasks at his master’s citadel. Night quickly fell upon them and Taki and Ti were fast asleep, Jude kept watch. He felt a certain unease in the night’s sky.
Jude left the two to sleep while he searched the parameter to ease himself and to check to see if anything unusual was out and about near their campsite. He roamed the area looking for anything and all things that seemed misplaced. While walking around he stumbled upon the spring of the meadow. Its clear blue liquid shown the reflection of the night’s sky very clearly, but it made Jude feel more uneasy than before. He looked at it to see his own reflection; it shimmered in the aqueous pool. He stared at himself for awhile, until he noticed that his reflection was rippling, soon the whole spring rose and out of it were two beings, one female the other male. They both looked at Jude with malice and disgust. “So my brother we have finally found him. The one who was chosen,” the female said floating only inches above the water, a blue tint glowing around her body. “It is so, my sister. We have found him and soon he shall be disposed of,” The man said who was standing on the water with a purplish tint. Jude stepped back sword in hand. “Who are you, and what do you want with me?” The twins laughed, the man stepped forward “We are the ones who are going to be your end. I am Tipa and this is my dear sister Loma. We are the celestial beings of time and space… and the end of your journey.”
Tipa jumped off the spring and lunged for Jude, but was caught off guard by someone that interfered smashing into his body at full force fangs and claws ripping into his celestial skin. “Leave him alone!” the interceptor screamed. Jude was astonished at the force and sheer power the interceptor had, “That voice? Ailuna?” The vampemyre continued to bite and claw her opponent. Loma didn’t look phased, if anything she looked annoyed, “I see you brought friends, I suppose we will just have to kill them as well.” Using speed that was faster than Jude has ever imagined she kicked Ailuna right off Tipa with a force that sent her flying into the night’s sky. “Now where were we?” she said as she looked at Jude. Jude ran forward with all his strength. “I won’t let you harm my friends.” He slashed Loma with his sword cutting a gash into her arm as she blocked. “What?” she gasped. Tipa who didn’t show sign of harm looked shocked as well “He actually harmed you, sister? How can that be?” Using this shock to his advantage he quickly began to slash at the two. All the two could do was back away from his attacks, trying not to get harmed by the forceful swings of his sword. Barthanious, Ti and Taki had finally reached the area where Jude and the siblings were battling. Ti used her orb to cast magic of ice using the spring as her source of water. Taki called upon the gods summoning lightning to strike the two enemies in their presence. The celestial beings rose high in the sky, “How dare you!?! You shall now all die!!!” Tipa said. Soon the twins were synchronizing motions, Ti’s and Taki’s magic attacks were being deflected by an unknown force and they were out of range of Jude’s and Barthanious’ physical attacks. The two became one and then two once more this time with weapons and a deeper hatred for Jude and his teammates. They were now mixed with each others aura. “We are now fused; see if you can defeat us now.” Tipa and Loma, not Tilopa and Lotima lunged towards the group. Tilopa, using his sword, fought Jude and Bart parrying, slashing, and striking. Lotima with her celestial bow and arrow and shield fought the mages. The battle was even until Ailuna returned to the battle scene. She was bloodied and weak and red aura rose from her being. Bart shouted something, but Ailuna did not hear him. She raised her arms; using her life aura she struck the two celestial beings with her last remaining strength. The damage was critical to the two. Tilopa and Lotima rose once more “We’ll get you for this Jude Ments. This isn’t the last you’ve seen of us. And know we will be much stronger in our next encounter.” They quickly vanished leaving no trace on where they went.
Bart quickly ran to his fallen sister, “Ailuna please, please say something.” Ailuna looked up at him and smiled then she looked to Jude, who kneeled next to Bart “Please… take…care…Jude…finish…your mission.” She closed her eyes and passed away saying no more. Everyone stayed in a very solemn mood while Bart cried over his sister’s passing.
That morning, they had a burial ceremony. Taki said a small prayer to the gods and they buried Ailuna’s body in front of the spring. “May the waters of the spring always keep your soul refreshed.” Jude said as a farewell. The four of them left the meadows more determined to finish the journey that now needed to be completed not for their own sakes but the sake of their fallen friend.