Ok Mart is my love and only love if i loved someone else it won't be half and good as how i fell with Mart....
He is like my sun by day and my moon that lights up the night .. ^_^
I love him more than my own life more ... more than my own family he means the world to me he is the bestest
i mean it Mart I LOVE YOU!!!!!
But last week i told .. I told him that i was ... Pregnant *sighs*
with my very old BF baby ... and he .... he hasn't responded ..
I am Worried out of my skin about YOU Mart.
PLEASE speak to me PLEASE i want to tell you like i did before that no one love YOU more than me NO ONE ... I ... LOVE... YOU !!!!!
i do really want to hear you voice inside my head once again .. to imagen that you are in the room with me sitting right next to me telling me you love me once again ......
Here is some of the things I love
well first off you said you loved this drawing of me and you kissing ...

Then there was this

Then I slept/ and still do sleep with a picture of the real you under my pillow ....

then i put some more stuff on it ...

You are MY god from above ....
my fav quotes out of a book that i have twised is these :
''I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away.... '' really i did and i still am i am serious -_-
but this one is my fav
''Before you, Mart , my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars points of light and reason… And then you shot across like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire then it was brilliancy, there was Love . When you were gone the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn’t see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.''
and this one.... was a re write ^_^...
''I cannot be without you, but I will NOT destroy your soul your life and your everything ..Just cuz i love you.i whispered in to your ear.''
Mart you see i can't live with out you but if you want to go a diffrent way you can i won't stop you .. cuz i do not want to distroy your soul in the making ... ok i will never let you go unless you want me to go then i will...
You know i LOVE you and i do too
i want to hear your voise like you are in the room with me i want you to fell safe around me ...
And i sooo want to fell like you are with me 24 7 what i mean by that is every day and every night ... you are my life NOW you are the one i chouse out of all the other guys you are my guy you are mine no one elses ^_^
PLEASE TALK to me Mart it is killing me to not know where you are......
well that is another entry done ok see you all soon i will write again i prosime byez byez