Her beautiful and soft white and black striped coat glazed and twinkled in the shadows. Her heavy panting showed she'd been running, running away from something...or someone! Her ears tipped slowly towards the sounds direction. Her panting grew quiet, and a low growl rose in her throat.
She could sense him, the outcast of the jungle!
The rain started to pore down and she could here his paws padding across the ground, approaching her hide out in the bushes. She bit her tongue and waited patiently.
"I know your here...Lilea!" growled the large yet handsome male tiger. He raised his eye in disapproval at the tigers's behavior.
"Why do you avoid me? I have never harmed you!" he whispered. Carefully he approached the bushes, as quick as a flash he tore away at the bushes and there behind them was a young tigress. She was soaking wet, and her eyes showed anger.
"Leave me alone Claw!" she hissed, swiping her own claws at his face.
Claw backed away carefully, his face lit up in glee. He watched the tigress walk away from him, her paws were silent and agile, and as swift as any hawk living. Her tail lashed out at him dangerously when he tried to approach.
Then without warning he leap up and landed in front of her. She growled furiously and turned away from him. Yet he bounced in front of her each time.
"Ever since my banishment...the only tiger I've ever thought about...was you!" he whispered.
"If you cared for me...then you wouldn't have done what you did! You attacked a man..." spoke the tigress.
"Don't you love me?" asked Claw curiously.
Lilea looked straight into his eyes, her fur lay still for a minute, her fierce stripes glistened, her whiskers wavered about with the wind, and her eyes looked at him, sadly. She turned away from him and lay down onto the grassy jungle's floor.
"Do you?" pressured Claw, approaching his old friend.
She looked up at him again, but this time it looked like she was peering deep into his soul! She nodded slowly and then rested her head on the floor.
Claw smiled and carefully lay beside her, his Lilea!