The Rocker Slayer, A vampire's forbidden desire

Vampires rocked my world, changing my life by stealing my sweet innocence ...

((Okay, everyone seems too busy, so I'm going to use a little NPC, a male character that holds importance to Leith. Cause I don't want to bother other people... so heres a picture of him ))
Leith grew so angry with her thoughts, they even were depressing her. She stopped singing and pressed an out of key note on purpose, in a violent manner; a sound that would shatter the pleasent little world she had formed and the steal away the pleasent air she had created. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she glared down at the panio 'Why do I linger here? These vampires aren't my friends...' she thought in frustration, her eyes softened with saddeness as she had forgotten the one other person that she swore did care for her existance, he knew everything about her and knew how to speak to her. When she decieded that she would go into vampire slaying, the society and her own family denied her. But a compelete stranger from the shadows came to her and offered to make her into the perfect vampire slayer, and that he did. However, for certain reasons, he went away and she hadn't seen or heard from him since; this angered her greatly.
Leith grabbed her guitar case from the wood flooring and she threw it over her shoulder, she got up and put another apple flavored lollipop in her mouth and her feet clacked heavyly on the flooring, telling that for some reason, she was pissed again. "Bye freaks..." she muttered to herself as she walked through the empty hallways to the door and then took ahold of the doornob of the front door and opened the door with a forceful motion and she stormed outside then slammed the door behind her, seeming to make the household shake.
She looked down at the ground when she reached the outside and walked at a snail's pace across the walkway back toward where her bike was parked on the street. Then a deep romantic male voice spoke and made her look up and freeze. "Throwing a tantrum again? Can't you walk faster then that?" the voice asked. She looked at the male, frozen in place unable to speak, her eyes were widened with surprize. It was a vampire, seeming he had been around for quite some time from his fearless posture and confident tone of voice. He dressed in all dark clothing that seemed to clash with his slightly pale skin, but his gave him a sort of dark prince, the way he looked at her, it was like she was bistowed an honor by looking upon his flawless features. He smirked at her shock and responce "I see age has done well for you, you've grown into a bit more of a woman," he teased after which he gave her a wink and a smile, most likely he was talking about her breast size.
He had been leaning on her motorcycle, but now he straightened and stood up. The thoughts came into Leith's mind that it wasn't a bright idea that he came here, the other vampires could smell an unfamiliar vampire outside their domiane. Leith would wish no harm to come to this man, but she couldn't speak, she was trapped in a moment of shock and silence, she couldn't even respond to his perverted comment.
Leith grew so angry with her thoughts, they even were depressing her. She stopped singing and pressed an out of key note on purpose, in a violent manner; a sound that would shatter the pleasent little world she had formed and the steal away the pleasent air she had created. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she glared down at the panio 'Why do I linger here? These vampires aren't my friends...' she thought in frustration, her eyes softened with saddeness as she had forgotten the one other person that she swore did care for her existance, he knew everything about her and knew how to speak to her. When she decieded that she would go into vampire slaying, the society and her own family denied her. But a compelete stranger from the shadows came to her and offered to make her into the perfect vampire slayer, and that he did. However, for certain reasons, he went away and she hadn't seen or heard from him since; this angered her greatly.
Leith grabbed her guitar case from the wood flooring and she threw it over her shoulder, she got up and put another apple flavored lollipop in her mouth and her feet clacked heavyly on the flooring, telling that for some reason, she was pissed again. "Bye freaks..." she muttered to herself as she walked through the empty hallways to the door and then took ahold of the doornob of the front door and opened the door with a forceful motion and she stormed outside then slammed the door behind her, seeming to make the household shake.
She looked down at the ground when she reached the outside and walked at a snail's pace across the walkway back toward where her bike was parked on the street. Then a deep romantic male voice spoke and made her look up and freeze. "Throwing a tantrum again? Can't you walk faster then that?" the voice asked. She looked at the male, frozen in place unable to speak, her eyes were widened with surprize. It was a vampire, seeming he had been around for quite some time from his fearless posture and confident tone of voice. He dressed in all dark clothing that seemed to clash with his slightly pale skin, but his gave him a sort of dark prince, the way he looked at her, it was like she was bistowed an honor by looking upon his flawless features. He smirked at her shock and responce "I see age has done well for you, you've grown into a bit more of a woman," he teased after which he gave her a wink and a smile, most likely he was talking about her breast size.
He had been leaning on her motorcycle, but now he straightened and stood up. The thoughts came into Leith's mind that it wasn't a bright idea that he came here, the other vampires could smell an unfamiliar vampire outside their domiane. Leith would wish no harm to come to this man, but she couldn't speak, she was trapped in a moment of shock and silence, she couldn't even respond to his perverted comment.
Now I find myself rocking their world with my music and my beautiful yet unpleasant existence. Now give me a lollipop....