Feeling: sad A little bit of pain
Listening to: Twilight soundtrack
Reading: something...
Watching: Kung Fu Hustle
Playing: with my puppies
Eating: Cheese
Drinking: Dr. Pepper (which actually tastes like Pepsi... >< wink
So I went to the doctor's Monday afternoon. He said I have tendonitis in my left elbow. -_- ...Why me? I've been good! All that pretty much means is that I have inflammation in my elbow, and it can hurt really bad if I move in a weird way. And what THAT means is that I can't do archery, or anything JROTC related, or anything that requires me to use just a little effort from my left arm! And what THAT means is that I'm completely useless for 3 whole friggin weeks. Yay.
I also burnt my tongue yesterday morning on some form of hot drink. Now everything tastes funky.
Homecoming's over and done with. Our team lost (as was expected). We've only won one game, and that was against the team that has less hope than us!
School pictures are next Thursday. I think Report Cards are next Thursday, also. All As and Bs for me!
I have to work next Saturday. Bleh.
I'm getting back into art! It's been so long since I've drawn something!
I have nothing else to say. Well, I am hungry and this cheese is just not filling me up. There's something.
Hope everyone has a fabulous next week! (I know I will.... >//< wink
I enjoy this..

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