Posting in the Writers' Forum: The Stickies
First off, let me explain what stickies are. In a nutshell they are just threads that have been deemed important enough to be stuck at the top of the page. Most of the time these threads are supposed to help explain how to do things, where to posts things, and various rules of the forum. They also take the place of multiple threads for a very "hot" topic. Also, announcements fit into this category.
Unfortantly the stickies are nothing more than creations of elitest Gaian's who want nothing more than to force you, the intelligent youth of the world, to confrom to their high, unreasonable standards. They use these stickies in a way to outlaw all that is not with their pleasing. A great philosopher once stated that the people have the right to overthrow a goverment that does not work for them. And justly, this goverment of elitest Gaians that have been visiting Gaia for years is nothing more than a facist body created for their own benfit and promotion. Understandable, we as the future of Gaia have all right to ignore these repressive doctrines of control and in choose to promote the original ideal of the Lanzer one.
But enough about the overly intelligent philsophies and on to the more specific; the stickies of the writers' forum.
Announcement: PLEASE READ! Writer's Forum Posting Guide
This is just a horriable injustice to the freedoms we enjoy as Gaia. It is nothing more than a represive guide on what to post in the Writers' Forum and where. But, you don't need to read this, everything goes in the main forum. The subforums are nothing more than worthless housing for works of inferior artists. We all know that if you really want to show your work, you put it before the people, and in this case, the people are the main forum, and no sticky should say otherwise. So remember, when you want to post your "111one R34 mY SiuCd3 P30mEleventy" thread, it doesn't belong in poetry, it belongs with the big dogs.
Sticky: Popular Author & Book Discussion
"For the intelligent discussion of
various books and authors."
Yet another abuse. Created as an excuse to yell at people who want to promote the work of their favorite author. Worse yet, it doesn't allow for you, the future, to simply state your opinions. After all, we all know that Rowlings roX0rS t3H BiG 110ne1 so why shouldn't you be able to say it? And what about Orlando? He isn't even an author, so you can't talk about him in this sticky. So what good is that? Remember, when you think your author r0xors the big 1one1eleventyone, don't waste your time with this sticky. Instead create as many threads as you can proclaiming your favourite author's big one one one 1inty.
Sticky: Writing and Publishing Tips & Links
Writing and Publishing Tips... Why you should be insulted that they would even think of such a thing. After all, you're the big one one one and your writing r0xors. Publishers are going to be lining up for your work, so what need of you for tips? But for good measure, you should make a few threads calling attention to yourself.
Sticky: Writer's Guide
Another thread created by the elitest regulars of the writers' forum to promote their dogma. This is nothing but a beautiful example of how you shouldn't write. Everybody knows that shorthand is the new English. Why, even Microsoft had Homer's "The Illiad" translated into shorthand. So why should you waste your time typing everything in correct, grammatical english when one of the largest companies in the world is already switching to shorthand. And besides, nobody wants to be shown something, books aren't for pictures, they're for reading, and you can't read a picture. Make sure you tell your readers what's going on, pictures are just distractions.
Next Time: The Subforums.
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And I eagerly await your cynical view for the next entry. I'm sure I'll chip in with a deragatory comment or two of my own in the comments of that subject as well. 3nodding
By the way; what do you think of this? Click here. *evil smile*