~User Data~

Name: Tanimoto
Nicknames: N/A
Famous Shinobi Name: Hermit
Village: Otogakure
Clan: Hitoya (goes by Natsu)
Kekkei Genkai: Kensei no Meiwa
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birth Date: October 23rd
Rank: C
Chakra Element(s): Doton and Raiton
Chakra Color: Purple/Indigo
Weapon of Choice: Hands and Feet
Shinobi Profession: Combatant
Headband: N/A
Height: 6'0
Weight: 195lbs
Hair: Blond/Shoulder length/Messy
Eyes: Mauve
Clothing: Wears a long brown hooded cloak over a tight brown t-shirt and pants. Also wears brown boots, and gloves.
Physical Description: Very muscular and toned, although somehow compact.
~Personal Shinobi Information~
Personality: Cold and apparently heartless, but acts warm and caring.
Nindo: "Deception and power are the only things that will get you anywhere in this world, but people like that pretend do not deserve to even exist!"
Personal Skill(s): Perception
Family: All deceased.
Hitoya Tanimoto was born son to Hitoya Judai and Hitoya Mayu. His father, Judai, was a village guard who took great pride in his use of Kensei no Meiwa in combat. His mother was a nurse, and a renowned surgeon of Otogakure. Because of his parent's jobs, Tanimoto was raised on a lot of money, basically being spoiled, by servants and townsfolk alike. To anyone who first met him it would seem as though he didn't have a care in the world. However, this was not the case. Tanimoto had a little sister named Kaede, who he cared for very much and felt completely attached to by every strand of his soul. There was a time when Tanimoto wouldn't even leave the house without taking her with him ... but that time had since passed. Over the years Kaede had become very ill and no matter what her mother tried, it seemed nothing would work out for her.
Eventually the day came that Tanimoto would never forget. It was around three in the morning when Tanimoto first heard his sister crying hysterically. He shot from his bed like a bullet and ran to Kaede's room, but she wasn't there. The IV that had been in her arm was unhooked and just left hanging off the rack. Kaede could survive without the IV, just not for long amounts of time. Again, Tanimoto was off through the house, looking for his sister, following the sounds of her sobbing. When he found her, he couldn't believe his eyes, and hoped that what he was seeing was a nightmare that he would soon wake up from. There, lying lifeless on the floor, was his father, Judai, with a strange purple liquid beading from a syringe hole in his throat. He immediately ran to his sister and held her in his arms, clenching her in a tight embrace while forcing her to look away. But there was still one problem ... where was his mother, Mayu?
It wasn't even an hour later when squads of ANBU had filled the lane outside their house. Within mere minutes they arrived from the basement outside, holding his mother in custody. On instinct, Tanimoto burst forth from the living room window and ran to the ANBU, pounding on him hysterically. The ANBU explained that he and his sister were adopted by their uncle Judai at birth after their birth parents died mysteriously, and that shortly afterward, Judai had married a girl named Mayu. It turned out that Mayu was only with Judai for his luxurious lifestyle, and that, from they day they were wed, she had been plotting to kill Judai's entire family. The whole time she had even been giving Kaede false treatments. Once this was explained to him, Tanimoto felt something he had never felt before; pure and unwavering hatred. He simply watched as the ANBU took his mother away.
In his will, Judai left his entire inheritance to Tanimoto, so that he and his sister could live a long and happy life, without any worries. And so, armed with their countless funds, that's just what they did. However, even this happiness was very short lived. Within the same year of Judai's death and Mayu's arrest, Kaede's disease worsened and she was admitted to the hospital. Tanimoto stayed with her day and night, never leaving her side, always holding her hand high. A week passed, and Kaede had become frail. It was then that she spoke the words that Tanimoto would never forget, no matter how hard he tried. "Brother ... I've been trying hard all these years to live on, just to keep that smile on your face. But ... a life full of this much pain and agony is one I know you wouldn't want me to live. I'm sorry brother .... I'm sorry ...." she said, then clenched his hand tightly one last time. "Brother ... don't lose ..." she muttered. That was it ... Kaede was gone. Tanimoto cried for hours at her bedside, begging God to give her back. After seven hours at her side, he finally decided it would be best for him to leave. However, the ride home would bring even more hardships, and would also change his life forever, marking the rest of his days as a combatant.
While on the way home, the executives that were ordered to look after Tanimoto and Kaede after their father's death asked Tanimoto to sign a paper, saying that he took full ownership of all of his father's excess funds. Of course, he did as they told him. After all, they were his guardians now, and all he had left to call family. No sooner did the pen leave the paper than his ride stopped. He was immediately ordered to get out. It was then explained to him that the paper he signed forced over all of his inherited funds to his guardians, should anything happen to him. At that moment, the four guardians tied Tanimoto up, hoisted him over their shoulders, and prepared to throw him over the bridge, into the wild frigid waters below.
Before they could throw Tanimoto, all of the men would be locked in place, completely unable to move, frozen with fear. A metallic voice would call from the railing of the bridge. "Put the boy down .." and the men did just that. After setting Tanimoto down, they all drew a katana from the sheathes at their hips. At that time, he would appear; a tall man, draped in a white cloak, with long silver hair and glowing green eyes. Within a flash it was over; the man would flicker from the rail and appear in front of Tanimoto. As soon as he appeared, all the men dropped to the ground, bleeding severely. The man then knelt down to Tanimoto's level, even though he was still taller, and spoke in a normal, almost warm voice. "I'm greatly sorry for your lose, but you live in a hard world. If you don't learn to fight, you'll surely die. Come with me ... and I will show you the light." he said, as a crimson glow escaped the shadows of his hood, illuminating the roman numeral VI beneath his right eye. "What is your name?" asked the man. "Tanimoto ... Natsu ..." answered Tanimoto. And with that, they left to the mountains, where Tanimoto would undergo hellish training to prepare him for life below.
After spending nearly seven years with the man, Tanimoto's physical strength and attention to detail had improved to god-like levels. Even after training with the man for so long, he still felt incomplete. He descended from the mountain, older and wiser, wielding the emblem of the only person who ever truly cared for him on his gloves; the roman numeral VI. He vowed that from that day forward, he would fight fire with fire. He would put on an act at all times, only revealing his true self when it was necessary, and he would destroy anyone who pretended to be anything they weren't.
Tanimoto's skills of perception are unlike those of anyone else. He can analyze an opponent's rhythm in the midst of combat, simply by allowing them to attack a few times, then instantly figure out ways to counter and block them. Combining this with his two fighting styles makes him a force to be reckoned with.
~Clan Information~
~Clan History~
The Hitoya clan of Otogakure originally hailed from a small isolated island just off Kirigakure. There, without having knowledge of the outside world and any such things as Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, or even Shinobi for that matter, they survived using the bare basics; their fists and feet - Taijutsu. Without even knowing it, they had evolved to master the art of harnessing kinetic energy so well, that even some of the worlds most legendary shinobi would be unable to hold their all against one of them. It is in fact legend that a horribly gargantuan meteor was falling towards earth. In order to stop it, the eldest of the Hitoya clan, a man who had mastered the now unnamed Kensei no Meiwa, stood atop a mountain for three days and nights, his hands held to the heavens, sucking every bit of kinetic energy from the meteor, until it tacked off the ground like a pebble. It is also rumored that when the dark circle appears beneath a Hitoya's feet, it is actually the energy from that same meteor, living on within each of them, and that is why using Kensei no Meiwa for too long can damage their skeletal structure.
After so many generations of living on alone on the island, the Hitoya clan were finally visited by the Mizukage; during the time of the first shinobi war. At that time, the Hitoya clan was seen as a threat to the Mizukage, who wanted to use their island as a base of operations, and so a small inner war broke out. Of course, being outnumbered but the army, and out skilled by their Ninjutsu and Genjutsu (something they had never heard of before that day), the Hitoya clan lost and every one of them were sent out to sea to find a new home.
Eventually, their ship was overtaken by what they mistook as pirates. The pirates were actually just a group of shinobi from Kumogakure who had mistaken the ship as a Kirigakure war ship. Either way, they were quickly disposed of and thrown overboard. The ship carried on it's way, the whole time, all the clan members training and sparring with each other.
After many years of living from port to port, they were finally found by a man claiming to be from Otogakure, a newly developed nation. The man offered the entire clan their own area of living, of their choice, as well as protection from any wars. The clan elder graciously accepted, and from that day forward, the clan has been a welcome ally to Otogakure.
~Kekkei Genkai Explanation~
Kensei no Meiwa is first unlocked when a member of the Hitoya clan turns twelve. At that age it creates a circle on the ground in the color of their chakra, three feet in radius, around the member. This circle moves with them as they run and shrinks the further they get away from the earth. Once the circle is beneath their feet their reflexes increase dramatically and they can draw on any kinetic energy they build and concentrate it all in a certain area of their body. They can also draw on the kinetic energy within the boundaries of circle and combine it with their own. The radius of the circle grows a foot every two years and heightens the clan member's potential even more. Such a powerful ability is not without it's downsides, however. If Kensei no Meiwa is kept active for more than an hour at a time, it will begin to weaken the user's bone structure. It is said that a man once went an entire week without deactivating Kensei no Meiwa and died on the eighth day, when he shattered every bone in his body after standing too quickly.
Shinobi Class

Ninja Type
Primary Class: Taijutsu
Secondary Class: Ninjutsu
Basic Chart (Chart without additional points)
Strength Rank: C
Speed Rank: C
Stamina Rank: B
Defense Rank: C
Chakra Level: D
Chakra Control Level: D
Current Chart (Chart with additional points)
Strength Rank: A
Speed Rank: B
Stamina Rank: A
Defense Rank: A
Chakra Level: D
Chakra Control Level: D

Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
Rank: E | Range: -- | Type: Supplementary
Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse.
Kawarimi no Jutsu - Change of Body Stance Technique
Rank: E | Range: -- | Type: Supplementary
Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.
Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Rank: E | Range: -- | Type: Supplementary
Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.
Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique
Rank: D | Range: -- | Type: Supplementary
Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.
Genjutsu: N/A
[Original] Hikaken - Chop Hanging Fist
Rank: -- | Range: -- | Type: Fighting Style
A Chinese martial art that features explosive, long-range power.
[Original] Hakkyōken - Eight Extremes Fist
Rank: -- | Range: -- | Type: Fighting Style
A Chinese martial art that features explosive, short range power and is famous for its elbow strikes.
[Original] Shouriken - Conqueror's Fist
Rank: -- | Range: -- | Type: Fighting Style
A fighting style developed from combining the two Chinese martial arts; Hiklaken and Hakkyōken. Using this fighting style, the user can access all the raw power of Hakkyōken, while affixing it to the unnatural speed of Hikaken. This technique can only be used when the user has stored a large amount of kinetic energy, which needs to be released. Because of this, an aura of chakra will surround the user whenever they use this fighting style. Exerting that much force at such high speeds can also take a toll on the user's body after a while.
[Original] Uryuu Banda
Rank: C | Range: Close/Mid | Type: Offensive
A palm strike where, with the principles or Hikaken, can use its arms like a whip and make it strong enough to damage metal.
[Original Devil's Sadness Elbow Strike, Black Dragon Smash
Rank: C | Range: Close | Type: Offensive
A series of elbow strikes and chinese kempo attacks.
[Original] Sakasa no Sakasa - Reverse of Reverse
Rank: B | Range: Close | Type: Offensive
Tanimoto will start a blurry run towards the opponent, combining his natural speed with Shunshin (Body Flicker). He will bring his left fist backwards preparing for a punch, while drawing on all the kinetic energy he built up during the run. Then, as he releases his fist for the punch, he will feint the punch out while locking all the drawn kinetic energy from the run, as well as all the energy from his fist, into the front of his right leg. Because the opponent will be busy dodging the fist, they would have no time to dodge the synchronized kick being delivered to their legs. This kick will shatter all of the leg's bone structure instantly on contact and will send pain through the opponent's entire body. This technique can be reversed so that he will kick first, then punch.
[Original] Tsuchi Maelstrom no Jutsu - Earthen Maelstrom Technique
Rank: B | Range: Close/Mid | Type: Offensive
Combining his natural speed with Shunshin (Body Flicker), Tanimoto will begin a very fast run towards his opponent. Then, by using Doton (Earth Release), he will cause tiny, foot-sized panels of rock to shoot up beneath his feet as he runs, drawing on the kinetic energy from them as they collide with his feet, making him move even faster. At this point, Tanimoto will be moving so quickly that, even when he slows down, he will only be seen as a teal blur. Only when he stops completely will he be visible. Once he gets near the opponent he will circle around them, constantly poking them with his index finger, charging it with so much kinetic energy that it brutalizes the internal organs that follow the pokes' path through the body.
Miscellaneous Skills:
Doton no Jutsu - Earth Release Technique
Rank: C | Range: -- | Type: Supplementary
Doton no Jutsu, the act of using the Earth Element, allows the ninja to change their chakra into earth. This allows the ninja to go into the earth and hide from his opponents, manipulate the earth in attacks or create earth to use against their opponents.
Kinobori no Waza - Act of Tree Climbing
Rank: -- | Range: -- | Type: --
Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed.
Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking
Rank: -- | Range: -- | Type: --
A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water.
Fuuinjutsu: N/A
Kinjustu: N/A
Juin Jutsu: N/A
Doujutsu: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Summons: N/A