Of course living on the plains was hard, but living with the tribe Avalon did, she found ways to enjoy it. She inhaled the fresh air that was blowing across the wide open grassland. Nothing could be seen for miles except the sparse trees and the mountains off in the distance. The wind blew through her light brown hair as she opened her similar brown eyes. She wasn't like the rest of her tribe. Her hair was much lighter as was her skin, but they were still her people. No one doubted her bloodline, they all had known her father, one of the bravest warriors they had had. He had only died a few moons ago, helping defend one of the northern tribes from the white skins that were pushing west.
Her eyes scanned the distance before her. Her camp was behind her and out of her vision as her horse grazed idly nearby. She heard her name and sighed. That meant it was time to move again. The white man was pushing them south, out of the way of their settling and destruction. Two moons ago, her chief had been approached by the settlers, a herd of them all with guns. They had settled on terms and had been moving ever since. The buffalo were becoming more scarce and so her people were having to rely on shipments from the settlers. More trading was occurring, along with the racial hostilities between them.
Avalon stood up and climbed up on her horse. She usually didn't use a saddle, due to the fact that she had hand raised the horse. They moved back towards the camp. As they got closer, she could start to make out the tell tail blue coats of the armed white men. They had come to make sure the tribe was moving at the correct pace. They seemed to track them and wouldn't give the indians time to settle anywhere for too long. The girl gripped the mane of her horse and pushed into camp, dismounting by her mother who was almost finished packing up their tent. Without a father, she was more of a prize for any of the male tribesmen. Not only her own kind, but the white men seemed to take a liking to her lighter skin and fair complexion. Anytime there were any in the camp, she would remain near her mother. She was of marrying age, 19, and many of both races had their eyes on her.
[[Haven't seen many Native American Rps, so I thought I would give this a try. Be one of the tribesmen or even one of the Americans. It would make it more interesting if she were to be attracted to one of the Americans.]]