I'm getting super bz so I raised the price. Commissions I'm taking are listed below. For couples, ask me if I'll accept. I'm not making a thread because I too lazy too read posts. I only do special(good) art one at a time so I won't accept them until I finish the previous one (check slot). It takes me about 1-5 days to finish them so check here if I'm doing your art. Send me a pm for request, then start the trade if I accept. Also pm me if u wants a specific size of the image (I usually do height 640px so i can post it in arena, ask if u want bigger/smaller). Tips are appreciated biggrin THE MORE DETAILS U GIVE ME THE MORE BETTER THE DRAWING IS! (ie:eyes, pose, items)
Requests I take now:
(Couples are 50% extra of the original price) (ie: chibi-uncolored: 10k but couples is 15k, *divide by 2, and w/e u get add it to the original price*)
Chibi (uncolored) - 10k(fullbody) - samples: [x] [x] [x]
Chibi (lineart + colored) - 15k (headshot) -- 24k (halfbody) -- 30k(fulbody) - samples: [x] [x] [x]
Normal (uncolored) - 15k (halfbody) -- 25k(fulbody) - samples: [x] [x] [x]
Normal (colored) - 30k (halfbody) -- 50k(fullbody) - samples: [x] [x] [x]
*check slot if open* Special (lineart + colored good) - bribe (needs to be 60k+) - unfinished samples: [x] [x]
Doodles (MS Paint) - 1k(halfbody-uncolored) -- 3k(halfbody-colored) -- 5k(fullbody-uncolored) -- 10k(fullbody-colored) - samples: [x] [x] [x]
Commissions over 50k gets priority
Special Slot: OPEN None atm
1. Uncontrollably Prodigious - good thigh-up colored - 70k + 5k tip (paid) - [x]
Commissions Progress
This is where you can check the progress of your order, If I can I will put this list in my profile, but I have to draw my new profile and I don't have time at the moment, so you can check the progress here and check works I have done for other people. Tell me if theres a mistake and not paid mean i didn't accept the trade yet even if you sent it so don't panic. I will accept it after I'm done with your art. Tips are appreciated. If your not on the list and u requested and I accepted pls tell me! because this is where I check things.PLS SAVE UR ART IN UR COMP AND REUPLOAD IT IN YOUR ACCOUNT because my photobucket might not be here 4eva
IIII[X]-done (click it)IIIIinprogress-currently doingIIIIXX-not started yetIIII
1. Kainita - waist-up (uncolored) - 5k + 3k tip = 8k (paid) - [x] 2. LeVioleur - waist-up (uncolored) - 5k (paid) - [x] 3. A Melodic Tune - waist-up (uncolored) - 5k + 5k tip = 10k (paid) - [x] 4. L o o s e s t a r d u s t - chibi (uncolored) - 5k + 1k tip = 6k (paid) - [x] 5. SPAARTA Mette - waist-up (uncolored) - 5k (paid) - [x] 6. Yue-chan - chibi (colored) - 8k (paid) - [x] 7. GooglePorn - waist-up (uncolored) - 5k (paid) - [x] 8. Demented Markie - full-body (uncolored) - 10k (paid) - [x] 9. greendayem - waist-up (colored) - 8k (paid) - [x] 10. Lady_Lissy - waist-up (uncolored) - 8k (paid) - [x] 11. xX~who ever I wanna be~Xx - waist-up (uncolored) - 8k (paid) - [x] 12. princessangel998 - chibi (colored) - 8k (paid) - [x] 13. Tomi X Billa - chibi (colored) - 8k + 1k tip = 9k (paid) - [x] 14. i eated ur bunny - chibi (colored) - 15k + 3k tip = 18k (paid) - [x] 15. Midnight Yue - [accepted] full-body (uncolored) - ?? (not paid) - XX [done in : 1 day] 16. Madam Rei - waist-up (colored) - 18k (paid) - [x] 17. CRiMSOnALLOY - waist-up (colored) - 30k (paid) - [x] 18. Urikho - thigh-up couple (colored) - ? (not paid)- XX [done in: 1 days] 19. absentminded necromancer - full-body (colored) - 50k (not paid) - XX [done in: 3 days] 20. Hug My WaTer MeAt - chibi {colored) - 9k (not paid) - XX [done in: 3 days] 21. xXx Sticky Wicket xXx - chibi {colored) - ?? (not paid) - XX [done in: 1 days]

Thank You Art for donations (click pic to view)
Absentminded Necromancer - Pink Bunny Slippers + 36k = heart heart
Miilae - 1448 = 
Phoenix Kishtaki - 1k = 
ALessoninRomantics - Leek = heart
tsuunami · Tue Nov 24, 2009 @ 05:39am · 0 Comments |