As our swords combind
As our hearts become one
As our sould colide
Our will be done
Our will to protect
As our futer becomes our past
the war may never end
but nore our hearts tell our last
Our souls shall live on
Even after our dieing day
To see our familys live on with smiles
That is our pay
To know they are safe
To feel there love seround others
For our sons to be brave
And for our daughters to become mothers
Healers for the sick
And protectors for the young
Teachers for there minds
And air for there lungs
We must not be fooled
Some enamys are smart
There wars are hard
But we must do our part
Some may get hurt
Others may even die
Alot will tell the truth
But five out of ten will lie
Though our bodies die off
Our mind and soul continue to live
We love we care
And alot of us learned to give
Though we are demons
We wish not to fight
Our family is of royalty peace
We will only fight to protect thoughs in fright
We are a family
And we grow every day
We will protect
Untell we lay
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Some are hunted some are killed,
All that's hurt if lucky will be shealed.
However the ones who are wanted the most,
Shall have no futer, no love, and no hoast...

All that's hurt if lucky will be shealed.
However the ones who are wanted the most,
Shall have no futer, no love, and no hoast...