From this day further we’ll always be together,
We’ll watch the sun rise,
We’ll watch the sun set in the distant horizon.
Together, in those warm spring evenings,
Hands in hands we’ll walk in those magical places,
Places only the both of us would ever know.
In the coolness of the summer evening,
We’ll hold each other and close our eyes,
We’ll watch the stars far above,
We’ll think about tomorrow as the lightningbugs spread their wings and fly,
Fly into that freedom sky.
In the winter,
It’ll just be me and you in the warmth of the evening,
We’ll walk on the chilling white snow,
Make imprints that’ll last forever.
Just hold me in those cold winter nights,
And I’ll be right there to hold you,
We’ll watch the gentle falling snow,
We’ll sit before the fire and cherish the moments we’re having together,
In the silent of the nights,
We’ll always be together forever.
Don’t be sad because I’ll always be here with you,
Don’t be sad because I’ll always be there no matter where you are,
And I know you’ll love me and be there like I’d be for you.
Through the warm springs, cool summers, and cold winters,
We’ll always be together no matter what happens.
Just close your eyes and dream of tomorrow,
Because we’ll forever be together.
And if one day one of us shall no longer be here,
Just once again think of those spring, summer, and winter nights,
Close our eyes and let the lightningbugs lead us back to once again be with each other
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You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
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