" The Adventures of Tuna Flo "
Scene One: Bobert's house
Flo: Open up, Bobert!
Bobert: Wait, Tuny! *opens door* Why come on in, but first, wipe your shoes on the mat, please.
Flo: What? *stepping all over Bobert's white carpet with muddy shoes*
Bobert: *gasp* Flo! Skedaddle off my carpet, you withersnapper!!!!
Flo: What? Bobert, i can't hear you! *running around on carpet*
Bobert: (explodes) SURE, LADY! F*** MY S***!! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!
Flo: Why didn't you say so in the first place, Bobby? *snorts*
Tuna Flo
That Bob is a nice man. Usually he doesn't literally explode, he usually blows up. Which is not pratically the same thing. He just yells and tells me to get out of the &*@# house. I really don't know why. But he is the nicest man i ever met. Really. Even if he threw blueberry pie at my face during the annual pie eating contest. i really didn't mind. well, i guess i kindof did, because i tipped the whole table of pies towards him and I was not ever allowed to go to the contest ever again. I wonder why he exploded at me this time. Really, do you know why?
Tomorrow, (Friday) I'll be going to Ready Betty Discount store.
Come see the next adventures of Tuna Flo tomorrow at the mall. (I know it's all weird, but it all amuses me. Anyways, the characters in this story and the stores and the adventures are all fiction.)
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these cupcakes are SwEeT!
A cupcake isn't a cupcake until just a tiny bit of uniqueness and sparkle is added to its frosting.
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