Lucien Lulu-nerd
back when boys had cooties
when we could play for hours and hours just using our imagination
when friendships were made easy and lasted forever
when it was considered socially acceptable to start up a conversations about socks with a complete stranger standing behind/in front of you in a line.
Back when I did that.
When we could get into a fight over who's pencil was cooler.
Realizing that they were exactly the same pencil.
Being a kid and getting away with things I can't get away with now.
Getting the pianist at the Brown Derby's signature
...he spelled my name wrong..
Sneaking pokemon cards into school and spending hours organizing them.
not knowing what being dumped feels like.
Scaring kids a Calaway
when our group of friends were all compatible, and boys were never an issue, and we always got along.
Running and screaming down the sidewalk in pure joy because we got the parts we wanted in the school play
Preforming that play
Thinking it was cool to listen to The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC
seeing concerts of old people that no one knows about.
getting random compliments from prettier women in the store
Sex-ed class
when I wasn't considered to be short, I was just a little kid.
crushing on someone and not telling them, but everyone already knew.
Yuki trying to get me and Tom together
"he's not my boyfriend"
When my future was clear.
I was going to a famous artist and writer, and make lots of money and have a perfect life.
Having a dream and watching it come true
When my mom was my teacher, and we always got along
Not being a constant disappointment to myself.
Passing notes in class
Getting drunk off Lemonade
Singing songs that no one knew at the top of our lungs until people yelled at us to stop
trying to teach myself how to play tennis
Failing miserably at it
not having to use a planner to remember all my homework
...just not having homework
When I was told I was "cool" by the "cool" people because I wore converse and too-long jeans.
Not understanding why that was cool.
Not wanting to be cool.. I still don't want to be cool.
Not caring what people thought of me.
lying about not caring what people thought about me.
Being allowed to curse
sneaking kisses with Ben in the movie theater
When things were 100% good between Ben and me.
Wishing on stars and believing that my wish would come true
wondering why religion was such a big deal
Morning til midnight magical movie madness marathon sleepovers with Kerry.
realizing that "morning til midnight" didn't make much sense.
learning how to ride a bike.
Knowing that the song "pictures of you" wasn't a love song and telling people so.
being as innocent as people think I am
When I thought being "goth" was the coolest thing anyone could be
Wearing a lot of black because I could
Getting called goth for it and yelling at the people because I knew I wasn't.
Mrs. Kara painting our nail for us
Playing with Adam and Andres in Pre-k
getting my black belt
when I had sidebangs
wishing for "that guy" to come around whenever I could.
When I thought that the world revolved around me
playing piano for my parents and having them tell me I was brilliant
not knowing what an energy drink was
..not needing one to stay awake in the morning
not being addicted to starbucks
mooching off my friends for lunch everyday
skipping school to go to JG
When none of us knew what drugs were
wondering if Ben liked me back, hoping that he did
My fish
wanting to give someone my heart, but being too scared to do it
getting scared over the stupidest things
Salli saying that she was a ghost, and that she had a twin.
being gullible and trusting too much
laughing so hard that I cried
Crying so hard that I laughed
believing that God was everywhere and everything.
Figuring out that he wasn't, he wasn't anywhere that I could find him, in fact
thinking that I was pretty
When we were Lulu-nerd, Karra, Kanna, Coco, Lislis, and Fred. Not Lucien, Kerry, Caila, Chloe, Lisa, and Sarah.
but most of all, I miss not having to miss anything.

Lucien Lulu-nerd
back when boys had cooties
when we could play for hours and hours just using our imagination
when friendships were made easy and lasted forever
when it was considered socially acceptable to start up a conversations about socks with a complete stranger standing behind/in front of you in a line.
Back when I did that.
When we could get into a fight over who's pencil was cooler.
Realizing that they were exactly the same pencil.
Being a kid and getting away with things I can't get away with now.
Getting the pianist at the Brown Derby's signature
...he spelled my name wrong..
Sneaking pokemon cards into school and spending hours organizing them.
not knowing what being dumped feels like.
Scaring kids a Calaway
when our group of friends were all compatible, and boys were never an issue, and we always got along.
Running and screaming down the sidewalk in pure joy because we got the parts we wanted in the school play
Preforming that play
Thinking it was cool to listen to The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC
seeing concerts of old people that no one knows about.
getting random compliments from prettier women in the store
Sex-ed class
when I wasn't considered to be short, I was just a little kid.
crushing on someone and not telling them, but everyone already knew.
Yuki trying to get me and Tom together
"he's not my boyfriend"
When my future was clear.
I was going to a famous artist and writer, and make lots of money and have a perfect life.
Having a dream and watching it come true
When my mom was my teacher, and we always got along
Not being a constant disappointment to myself.
Passing notes in class
Getting drunk off Lemonade
Singing songs that no one knew at the top of our lungs until people yelled at us to stop
trying to teach myself how to play tennis
Failing miserably at it
not having to use a planner to remember all my homework
...just not having homework
When I was told I was "cool" by the "cool" people because I wore converse and too-long jeans.
Not understanding why that was cool.
Not wanting to be cool.. I still don't want to be cool.
Not caring what people thought of me.
lying about not caring what people thought about me.
Being allowed to curse
sneaking kisses with Ben in the movie theater
When things were 100% good between Ben and me.
Wishing on stars and believing that my wish would come true
wondering why religion was such a big deal
Morning til midnight magical movie madness marathon sleepovers with Kerry.
realizing that "morning til midnight" didn't make much sense.
learning how to ride a bike.
Knowing that the song "pictures of you" wasn't a love song and telling people so.
being as innocent as people think I am
When I thought being "goth" was the coolest thing anyone could be
Wearing a lot of black because I could
Getting called goth for it and yelling at the people because I knew I wasn't.
Mrs. Kara painting our nail for us
Playing with Adam and Andres in Pre-k
getting my black belt
when I had sidebangs
wishing for "that guy" to come around whenever I could.
When I thought that the world revolved around me
playing piano for my parents and having them tell me I was brilliant
not knowing what an energy drink was
..not needing one to stay awake in the morning
not being addicted to starbucks
mooching off my friends for lunch everyday
skipping school to go to JG
When none of us knew what drugs were
wondering if Ben liked me back, hoping that he did
My fish
wanting to give someone my heart, but being too scared to do it
getting scared over the stupidest things
Salli saying that she was a ghost, and that she had a twin.
being gullible and trusting too much
laughing so hard that I cried
Crying so hard that I laughed
believing that God was everywhere and everything.
Figuring out that he wasn't, he wasn't anywhere that I could find him, in fact
thinking that I was pretty
When we were Lulu-nerd, Karra, Kanna, Coco, Lislis, and Fred. Not Lucien, Kerry, Caila, Chloe, Lisa, and Sarah.
but most of all, I miss not having to miss anything.