Name: Ren Crossington
Age: 16
Grade: 1st year
Classes: Algebra I and II
Computer Applications
Physical Education
Language Arts
Doorm: 1
Crush: none yet
Personality: Shy, klutzy, strange and different.
Bio: (will come out later in the RP)

Extra: Ren always seems to say some really random things that make her sound kinda of like a freak but she can't help it. She just says what is on her mind.
Weapon: none
UserName: SayWhen96
Name: Yuuki Chasings
Age: 17
Classes: Digital Photography, History, Anatomy
Doorm: 1
Crush: none yet
Personality: She is very out going but usually keeps to her self. Uses her common sence and also, she always kind of looks confused. All around friendly person until you get her mad.
Bio: (will come later)

Extra: She never had a family, or one that she knew of. She is an orphan.
Weapon: anything she can use to hurt people