Barton Snowapalooza
By nerdherd57
Nighttime. A Soft blanket of snow has fallen over Barton town while Gaians sleep peacefully. Just enough snow to close up the world and give everyone a nice snow day. For this is the story of Barton town snowapalooza.
Morning. The sun is beginning to rise, illuminating the ice blanket that covers Barton. Rufus wakes up first, giving a loud “Meeooow” as he stretches.
“I’m Hungry,” thought Rufus as he goes to wake up Ian. Rufus walks into Ian’s room to find him still asleep with one foot on top of the covers, one under, and his head under the pillow snoring softly.
“Wake, up Ian, it’s time for breakfast,” Rufus said, giving the pillow a little shake.
“Well that didn’t work,” Rufus thought. “IAN, WAKE UP! I’M HUNGRY,” he yelled! Ian sat up immediately with a loud “wuh?” He threw the pillow off his head; his shaggy dark hair a tangled mess.
“Rufus, its Saturday can’t you let me sleep?” said Ian, blinking his steel blue eyes sleepily.
“I’m hungry though,” said Rufus looking innocent.
“Well, I was up late last night reading my new book so the least you can do is let…” he stopped when he noticed the snow outside his window.
“SNOW,” they yelled in unison. The two raced to bundle up. Ian barely had his shoes on before Rufus yelled “race yah” and started out the door. Once they were outside they could see that they were the first ones to leave footprints (or pawprints, in Rufus’ case) in the fresh powder. Ian dropped to the ground laughing happily and started flailing his arms and legs in an attempted snow angel. He stood up to admire his work.
“Uhh,” said Rufus. Ian looked at the shape. It wasn’t very angelic, more like a gelatinous blob than an angel. “Well that was crap,” he thought. “But what the heck, it was fun.”
He reached over and scooped up a handful of powder, throwing it at Rufus, laughing. As the two broke into a snowball fight, the sounds of their laughter carried across town square, waking Rina. She sat bolt upright and whispered “Snow,” within what seemed like seconds, she had run across the square.
“Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!,” she yelled running into the fight.
“RINA LOOK OUT,” Ian yelled, but it was too late. She’d been pelted with a fury of icy slushballs.
“Oof,” she said, and then proceeded to laugh herself onto the ground. Soon the noise had woken up all of Barton; everyone had snow fever. Rina was ice sculpting. Nicu was selling fur hats at six times the regular store price. All the while, Cindy and channel 9 were covering the whole thing, announcing to everyone about the fantastic snow in Barton. Soon Gaians from Durem, The isle de Gambino and Aekea were showing up to play in the snow.
“Who let Rina use the chainsaw to ice sculpt?” Ian asked Sasha while watching Rina go to town on a block of Ice; turning it into something resembling gwee.
“I have no idea, someone even crazier than her,” she replied then she turned around.
“Gotta go Ian,” she said “LEX! LIAM! DON’T LICK THAT! REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME,” she yelled running off to go unstick them. All of a sudden something wet and slushy hit Ian’s hair. He whirled around to see Louie holding a snowball.
“Get me if you can bro,” he yelled. Soon Ian and Louie were locked in snowy combat. All of a sudden Ian heard a loud hiss and Rufus slid by, having fallen on his face. Ian chuckled. Soon Ian noticed Gino walking by. He gave a wink to his brother and they gave a war cry. Gino screamed like a girl and ran off
“Well I’m tired,” said Louie. The sun was starting to set and he was heading in. “Wanna grab some hot chocolate?”
“Sure,” replied Ian. Soon the brothers, followed by Rufus, were in Ian’s living room sipping hot chocolate while the Yule log channel crackled.
“Fun day,” said Louie.
“Agreed,” said Ian, snuggling the blanket tighter around him.
“Can I have some fish now?” asked Rufus, but Ian didn’t hear him, he was fast asleep.
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