Clarissa: *winces and dabs at open cuts and scratches on her face and arms, with alcohol* Best. Day. Evar.
Arognat: Speak for yourself. >= / *is bloody*
Clarissa: What? We massacred those werewolves. See Tangora? If you'd hang with me more you could get involved in destroying that kinda stuff! 8D
*door bell rings*
Clarissa: *gets up and answers door*
Lady at door: >= / *is holding up Viscen*
Viscen: : <
Lady at door: Is THIS yours?
Clarissa: That depends. What'd he do now? >= / *looks at Viscen*
Lady at door: That. *points at a boy with a bloody nose* And that. *points at the pile of kids that are all beat up and groanng*
Clarissa: I see. Viscen! What have your father and I told you about that?!
Viscen: To leave no ebidense. : <
Clarissa: *folds arms* Damn right you are, son.
Lady at door: Mrs. Gahn! Can you take anything serious?! This is a serious offense! Your son has broken three noses! Busted five lips! He's made a ten year old boy cry for his mother!
Clarissa: *glares at Viscen and takes him from the woman.Slams door in the woman's face*
Viscen: I'm sowwy mama...I'm sowwy daddy.... *looks down all sad*
Clarissa: If I'm not dealing with you, I'm dealing with Kaiah's constant teasing and stealing. *sigh* Still though...You sure did whoop those little bastards asses somethin fierce! But for Christ's sake, why'd ya do it?
Viscen: Cause they said I can't pway with them cause I'm too wittle! I showed them who's wittle! Not me! >: < Then they tried to beat me up and stuff! See?! *shows his mama his bruised knee and scraped elbow*
Clarissa: : < My poor little boy. *kisses his bruised knee and gives him a cookie* Well, fair enough, go on, go play.
Viscen: *scampers off with his cookie*
Ark: So you beat up some kids. You're still no match for me.
Viscen: >: <
Angela: D8 *covers eyes* ..... *whimpers and winces* .....*squints eyes and makes an "ow" face* ....
*Viscen and Ark are shown beating up eachother*
Kaiah: 8D Go, Viscen! Beat 'im up! Yay big bwotha!
Grace: *watches, cthulu*
Clarissa: *cthulu*
Grace: So why ahven't we stopped this yet?
Clarissa: Because we both know they'll be best friends and cousins again real soon.
Grace: Right.
Back on Base:
Anna:'s freezin out here.
Eleanor: Mhm...freezing...*is scribbling down on a big, blue piece of paper*
Anna: What are you doing? *raises eyebrow*
Eleanor: I'm trying to make a few....a few adjustments to this invention I'm working on for Max's gift.
Anna: *looks at the paper* Hey that's a---
Eleanor: Mhm, but because we're from the past, the far off past, these don't exist yet and this is all the things we can afford/get our hands on. Even then, it works just as good as his great nephew's does.
Anna: I see...And because you two have to go back to your time period, it'd make sense for him to have that...but why would he need it? He doesn't seem the type to travel.
Eleanor: Oh, well, he's always going out to fins scraps and things to use toward his own creations, this will help him get around towns easier. You see these attatchment hooks here? *points*
Anna: *nods*
Eleanor: He can attatch a cart if he has too, so he can carry his findings more easily. I'm just having a few errors with this heating chamber. So now it just overheats...
Emily: *looks over the blue prints too* Well why don't you just add an air pump? See, you can connect it here...*points* and then attatch it to this here, *points* And that'll release enough steam so it won't over heat anymore.
Eleanor: ..... *ears perk* Oooh! That's a great idea! Thanks! *starts scribbling down on the paper*
Anna: So how's that hunk-a-junk work anyway? I mean it looks pretty badass and steam punk-y, but's made from scraps that a car cylinder?
Eleanor: Yes it is, Anna. And you see this? *points* This crank here controls the steam flow to the valve chest which is located here, where the---
Anna: Okay, okay, I get it...I'm sure he'll love it, Eleanor. *stops paying attention to Eleanor's ranting about how the contraption works*
Emily: *is looking at something in her father's office*
Anna: What has enticed you so, Emily?
Emily: This cape. It belongs to my father...I use to love this thing when I was a little girl. My father claimed to have had this since he first joined ranks of the militia. His father gave it to him...He still wears it...
Eleanor: *puts blue prints away* Oh, it's quite lovely. I love that belt on it. Is that to keep it on your shoulder?
Emily: Yes...
Anna: *goes to touch it, gets her hand smacked*
Emily: >= / Hey! If I can't touch it, neither can you!
Anna: Then put it on! No one's here to see cept us!
Emily: I...can't... : <
Anna: Why the hell not? Hm? *looks over at the monitors behind the desk* Looks like we've got company...a little gang of people running around and trashing the cemetary. They look like---
Emily: Buncha vampire punks. I'm not worried, Cross will inevitably kick their asses. *cthulu*
Eleanor: But isn't your mother burried there? D8
Emily: No, she has a special plot elsewhere...
Anna: *grabs the cape off the chair and starts running away* Muahahaha!
Emily and Eleanor: Anna no! D8
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.