Hey guys,
Yesterday was really weird it didn't feel right. A saturday without Prince Charming. I just did my english coursework all day, well once me and my cousin came back from our meal. Last night was long drawn out i just couldn't stop thinking of him. Im starting to doubt that my little supprise wont be done by Vals Day with my exam so close and everything plus my addiction to gaia, i dont even know how you say it! Its getting close to being nearlly two years now, wow.
My dream lastnight was so weird so many people and so many things were going on. When i got into bed i was thinking of the one day the first summer me and Prince Charming were together and the one day i went out with the guys just us and no him. There were two days that summer where me and my mates who were all boys went out together, but one sticks out. That day was amazing we just spent hours in one place, im not going to bother holding back the names because we're not close anymore, me, stuart, casey, lewis and nathaniel (i was never close to him at all). Me and stuart had been best friends since year 7 everyone said we should get to together because we were perfect for eachother but i knew stuart didn't like me as much as i cared for him and then when i was finally over him and had got with my true love Prince Charming he discovered he liked me too and dropped that bomb shell on me. Me and Casey well we hate eachother now he grew to be a bigger man whore who learned how to hurt my bestfriends feelings by cheating on her several time and breaking our friendship. Me and Lewis we had a strong bond he always helped me and i helped him until he became horrible i remember the day it was just like he wasn't lewis anymore. Nathaniel i dont even know him but you wouldn't want to seriously i had to sit by him in I.T before i nearlly died. Anyway back to that day it was truely amazing playing Avril's song complicated on stuarts phone over and over again him pushing me on the log swing up on the line on a hot summer day, Casey and lewis and nathan were making monkey videos. It was just so much fun i felt like i was flying. And that went into my dream.
We were alltogether again just like the old days, a hot summers day but this time we were down in the park and we were organizing a brilliant party down there it was so much fun. Then i found myself in stuarts house with the chavs and the boys (ive never been to stuarts house) i was listening to Taylor Swift on someone ipod when Chucky (a chav boy/one of the pretty boys) started talking to me being all nice (ive spoken two words to him in my life and that was yeah sure when he ask if he could photo copy my work) then to make it even better! he tried to kiss me!! i was like errr what are you doing he was like cant you see ive been trying to talk to you? Ow yeah really Chucky? and how many girls have you met today (man whore) Ellie in the morning and Marta at break he said and then me i rest my case. Then i find myself with Chucky and the rest of the chavs up on the mountain and i see my sister and her "bestfriend" and the "bestfriend" is pregnant and guess with whos baby John my sisters a*****e of a boyfriend. And to end the stupid dream im back down in the park with the boys and i throw myself into the pound.
My dreams i swear im wacky anyway this better get me alot of gold because its taken me 20 mins to write.
Splatt out...
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