So guess who's listening to unreleased track by Lady gaga? I am. Ha! Jealous much? It's called no floods and it rocks your socks. Well, It would rock your socks if you heard it. You should be so Jealous!
No matter Lightning or Thunder Buckets of Rainwater You can't flood this town In a world unknown You gotta hold your own
Do you ever wonder how songs make hits? Like the ones you hear on the radio and you're just like. WTF is this crap? Kind of like meet me half way. I hate that song. I truly hate that song. I just can't stand it. Who's it by? Like the black eyed peas or something?
Can I say something?
Sorry for you Fergie loves out there?
So, change of subject, who wants to see how amazingly crazy Lady gaga is? And has changed?

You know, I can understand when someone says they don't like Lady gaga's music, it's pretty weird. But I hate when they say she's a fake artist but they go listen to Sean Paul. Or other artists like Taylor swift and Kelly Clarkson. Lady gaga is one of the ONLY pop artists who writes ALL of her own music. And it's like art. But I would never say that any artist is fake because that would just mean I'm jealous. They obviously did something to get that far.
So, who else thinks that Justin Beiber appeared out of nowhere? Does anyone else think that he looks thirteen? And that girl in his one less lonely girl video looks ten times older than him! That just screams illegal all over it!
So. I'm bored today, tomorrow I have to go back to school from winter break annnnddd I'm going to chill with mah friends, and straighten my hair in the morning. Oh guess what? I got a hair straightener for christmas. I used to have to blow dry it straight and it was all poofy.
Anyways, nothing exciting's happened so, not much to talk about today. Ha, I'll think of something good for tomorrow.
Check out Just beiber's One less lonely girl video, it's kind of cute. I don't like the song much though.
Video of the day Watch:
My signature thing isn't working. New one up soon. =)
x_Little_xx_Monster_x · Mon Jan 04, 2010 @ 10:38pm · 0 Comments |