Soul Reaper Appearance:

Her eyes are a deep, emerald shade of green, and her skin is lightly tanned. She has dirty blond hair that reaches to about her hips. It's usually worn down, but she sometimes ties it back with a leather strap in the back of her neck. She is very full figured, even for her above average height (6'2ish).
Her rank badge is always tied into her hair somewhere.
She has one tattoo, and it's on the inside of her wrist. It's four large paw prints that while different, all look like they belong together.
Full Name:
Cerwind Alcina
Crazy Cat Lady
Actual Age:
actual age unknown.
she assumes she's close to 500 though
Appearance Age:
Date of Birth:
October 31st unknown year
Date of Death:
April 17 unknown year
Origin of Birth:
Wolfsburg Germany
Sexual Orientation:
6'2 regularly
6'4 when in bankai or shikai
third seat
Reiatsu Color:
orange at the center and brown on the outside rim
Shinigami Uniform Changes
Shitagi: white and sleeveless
Kosode: white and sleeveless
Hakama: bright orange
Hakama-himo: --
Tabi: --
Waraji: --
Haori: (Capatins Only) --
Extra Changes or additions
She doesnt usually wear the traditional uniform. She will though, if she's forced. And even then she has to be bribed.
She usually walks around in bright orange hakama pants, and a pair of white kosode and shitagi combo. She walks around barefoot, or with a pair of foot thongs.
Zanpakuto Name:
Gatos Grandes (literally, big cats)
Zanpakuto Spirit:
The spirit of Gatos Grandes is, as you might assume, a large cat. The cat looks like a giant mix breed of the four Big Cats in the animal kingdom, the lion, tiger, jaguar, and leopard.
Personality wise, Gatos is an opposite of Alcina. He is angered very easily, and very overprotective of her. The only thing they really have in common is that they are both extremely lazy, and not morning people at all.
Zanpakuto Spirit True Form:
Zanpakuto World:
The spiritual world looks like a vast Savannah, although huge, green trees grow in between spirts of tall dead looking grass. It mixes the elements of all the big cats homes.

Zanpakuto Spirit's History:
Gatos used to be the ruler of all feline animals on earth. He was stripped of his title because of his short temper and blatant disliking of the other animals. A few of the demi-gods that ruled with him banded together with him, granting him their powers because he was still stronger than him. The demi-gods were Lion, Panther, Tiger, and Leopard.
Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:
Her zanpakutou contrary to its name, is a dirk.
It is gold and black in color, with a jagged edge.
She carries it in the waist of her bottoms, or in her shirt so that the hilt sticks out.
The blade extends from about her elbow to her wrist, very short. It's used for more hand to hand stuff/every day things like cutting open a bird.
Release Command:
Ruga Gatos Grandes (roar big cats)
Shikai: [not obtained]
El Controlador de los Gatos (controller of the cats)
Shikai Appearance: (extra appearance details in the bankai section)
In herself, Alcina doesnt change clothes, but her dirk transforms and becomes claws, just like in bankai. She also gains fangs. The claws look the same as they do in bankai.
Shikai Abilities:
Her shikai gets the name because she is able to manifest parts of the "big cats" and use them as body parts. The claws are the only things that stay permanent on her body, along with fangs.
To change a body part, she usually says, "Cambie Gato" which makes the transformations longer and stronger.
Parts of her she can change/transform: (note that she can also boost her body without changing it, i.e, having the strength of a tiger, or the speed of a lion etc)
In shikai, she cannot manifest more than three things of the big cats.
El rugido de mil Diosas: Roar of a Thousand Goddesses
Its essentially a roar that shatters anything near it, other than bodies (unless you are a really weak thing). This attack uses reiatsu to enforce its sound. The more reiatsu she focuses into the attack, the stronger, and louder, it will be. It can be heard up to a mile away. If she wants to though, she can focus it in an area at the shortest distance of five feet. This can cause the opponent to become confused because of the rapid wave movements.
[...The only way this attack will cause bodily damage other than confusion is if you're standing in that five foot distance...]
La garra de sus ojos de Jagua (claw out their eyes Jaguar)
Its a simple slashing and clawing attack. By moving around the opponent at extreme speeds, Alcina can momentarily elongate her claws. She slashes at the opponent innumerable times. This attack can be used when in motion. (i.e, the person is running, etc)
Patada de Tigre (Tiger kick)
Alcina charges reiatsu into her legs once they are transformed. She can kick up to four times consecutively. (all in one post. she has to wait another post to use this specific attack again) When enough energy is in her feet/leg area, she lashes out with her leg/legs at blinding speeds, using the power of a tiger and a burst of energy to enforce it.
Bankai: [not obtained]
Bankai Name:
Controlador de la parte de Gatos Dos (controller of the cats part two)
Bankai Appearance:
After pulling her dirk out and saying the phrase, it disappears completely.
A bright flash of light and reiatsu surround Alcina, and when it bursts, first a roar of a thousand cats will be heard in the distance. This isnt an attack, (although it can do damage) just a side effect of the bankai. Another side effect is the poison that drips off her fangs and claws now.
She now has a blond lions mane, a bone tail of a leopard, the strength and hind legs of a tiger, and elongated fingers and teeth of a jaguar. She is also completely naked, except for molted orange semi-spotted fur that now covers her. The mane covers her breasts and when just standing somewhere, her tail usually covers her frontal parts. Along with those things, she has cute lion like ears that appear on the top of her head. She still has her regular ears, but they are hidden by her new mane. Her eyes are now slit like a cat's, and a green orange color in the pupil and around it.
Bankai Ability:
[all attacks that could be used in shikai can still be used]
Envenene gato: poison drips from Alcina's fangs and claws. She is completely immune to this poison.
Note on the Poison:
Being scratched, bitten, clawed etc will at first act like a normal attack. A few minutes after being attacked, the opponents vision will begin to go out. Another few minutes, and their hearing will go out. The last thing that goes out would be the opponents sense of where it is. (i.e, are you up or down, going left or right, etc) This attack is ideal for capturing and holding someone hostage, because it makes them unable to attack and or defend themselves.
Post Cycle:
1-4: Sight will go out.
5-9: Hearing will go out.
9-12: Proprioception will go out.
Predators Senses:
Alcina's hearing, sight, touch, smell, etc are heightened to extremes. She can now hear a mouse scuffling under a floor board from 50 feet away from the location of the mouse.
Látigo de Leopardo: Leopard Whip
Alcina uses the bone tail to lash out at the enemy. In certain cases she can spin around rapidly, creating a tornado around herself. If the bone tail hits something, it will break/shatter/injure it. If it hits a zanpakutou unreleased, it will break it, or break the opponents arm from the force of the impact. Something will break.
El ataque de los gatos salvajes: attack of the savage cats
This is a last resort type of move. Alcina goes into a rage. Her claws and fangs lengthen to dangerous points, and the poison drips freely. Just being touched by the poison will cause a sort of acid burn. Her speed and strength multiplies by at least 5 times. While in this stage of bankai, she will attack friend or foe. She now has little to no control over how hard she hits/kicks, or how deeply she's scratching something. She can easily cut through a solid boulder without using much force.
This attack will last for 9 posts. After the 9 posts are up, she is forced to go back into a weakened shikai state. She cant go back into bankai for a minimum of 10 posts afterward.
Bakudo: [Start of without any]
Hado: [Start of without any]
Extra Skills:
She has a photogenic memory, making her someone you dont want to have mad at. She will forever remember your face, rank, and squad.
Extra Weapon(s) or Items:
always has a hidden bottle of booze, no matter where she goes. she hides it somewhere different each time.
Usually warm. She is highly sarcastic, and isnt afraid to put someone in their place if you piss her off. She's usually pretty level headed, but once her temper is set off, most people should just back away and let her be.
Alcina likes flashing off what she has, and she's also very touchy-feely. She likes putting people in awkward situations, teasing people, giving people stupid and annoying nicknames, and the likes.
Human World Appearance: [Start of without one]
Human World Occupation: [Start of without one]
Not doing work
Personal Skills:
Hand to hand combat is her specialty.
She is a dancer, and an acrobat. She mixes the two for entertainment.
Favorite Food:
anything meat and or spicy.
Favorite Drink:
Most forms of alcohol. Specially German and Russian ones.
Least Favorite Food:
All of her hobies
Getting to know people
Loud people
People who wake her up
people who dont feed her
being woken up for something unimportant
Biography Before Death:
she doesnt remember any of it, other than being attacked by a wild cat
Biography After Death:
Alcina grew up in a small area of the Rukongai, mainly old people lived there. She helped around the area, though it was rare. Everyone got along with her for the most part. Some of the local thugs tried to bully her, but her size and odd strength made them back off after the first few fights.
Someone told her that she should go to the Shinigami Academy, though she had no clue what that was. At first, she didnt want to do it, saying it would be too much work. Eventually she joined.
Soul Reaper Academy:
Alcina would have been the top of her class had she not been so damn lazy. She graduated a year late, then stayed away from the Sereitei for a year or two after graduating. She wanted to live life the easy way.
Division Life:
As soon as Alcina entered the eight division, she knew she was going to have fun. Soon after her first day in the squad, she had a strange dream, one of a large cat speaking to her. She couldnt remember his name, but she had an odd feeling that he was someone important to her.

Her eyes are a deep, emerald shade of green, and her skin is lightly tanned. She has dirty blond hair that reaches to about her hips. It's usually worn down, but she sometimes ties it back with a leather strap in the back of her neck. She is very full figured, even for her above average height (6'2ish).
Her rank badge is always tied into her hair somewhere.
She has one tattoo, and it's on the inside of her wrist. It's four large paw prints that while different, all look like they belong together.
Full Name:
Cerwind Alcina
Crazy Cat Lady
Actual Age:
actual age unknown.
she assumes she's close to 500 though
Appearance Age:
Date of Birth:
October 31st unknown year
Date of Death:
April 17 unknown year
Origin of Birth:
Wolfsburg Germany
Sexual Orientation:
6'2 regularly
6'4 when in bankai or shikai
third seat
Reiatsu Color:
orange at the center and brown on the outside rim
Shinigami Uniform Changes
Shitagi: white and sleeveless
Kosode: white and sleeveless
Hakama: bright orange
Hakama-himo: --
Tabi: --
Waraji: --
Haori: (Capatins Only) --
Extra Changes or additions
She doesnt usually wear the traditional uniform. She will though, if she's forced. And even then she has to be bribed.
She usually walks around in bright orange hakama pants, and a pair of white kosode and shitagi combo. She walks around barefoot, or with a pair of foot thongs.
Zanpakuto Name:
Gatos Grandes (literally, big cats)
Zanpakuto Spirit:
The spirit of Gatos Grandes is, as you might assume, a large cat. The cat looks like a giant mix breed of the four Big Cats in the animal kingdom, the lion, tiger, jaguar, and leopard.
Personality wise, Gatos is an opposite of Alcina. He is angered very easily, and very overprotective of her. The only thing they really have in common is that they are both extremely lazy, and not morning people at all.
Zanpakuto Spirit True Form:
Zanpakuto World:
The spiritual world looks like a vast Savannah, although huge, green trees grow in between spirts of tall dead looking grass. It mixes the elements of all the big cats homes.

Zanpakuto Spirit's History:
Gatos used to be the ruler of all feline animals on earth. He was stripped of his title because of his short temper and blatant disliking of the other animals. A few of the demi-gods that ruled with him banded together with him, granting him their powers because he was still stronger than him. The demi-gods were Lion, Panther, Tiger, and Leopard.
Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:
Her zanpakutou contrary to its name, is a dirk.
It is gold and black in color, with a jagged edge.
She carries it in the waist of her bottoms, or in her shirt so that the hilt sticks out.
The blade extends from about her elbow to her wrist, very short. It's used for more hand to hand stuff/every day things like cutting open a bird.
Release Command:
Ruga Gatos Grandes (roar big cats)
Shikai: [not obtained]
El Controlador de los Gatos (controller of the cats)
Shikai Appearance: (extra appearance details in the bankai section)
In herself, Alcina doesnt change clothes, but her dirk transforms and becomes claws, just like in bankai. She also gains fangs. The claws look the same as they do in bankai.
Shikai Abilities:
Her shikai gets the name because she is able to manifest parts of the "big cats" and use them as body parts. The claws are the only things that stay permanent on her body, along with fangs.
To change a body part, she usually says, "Cambie Gato" which makes the transformations longer and stronger.
Parts of her she can change/transform: (note that she can also boost her body without changing it, i.e, having the strength of a tiger, or the speed of a lion etc)
In shikai, she cannot manifest more than three things of the big cats.
El rugido de mil Diosas: Roar of a Thousand Goddesses
Its essentially a roar that shatters anything near it, other than bodies (unless you are a really weak thing). This attack uses reiatsu to enforce its sound. The more reiatsu she focuses into the attack, the stronger, and louder, it will be. It can be heard up to a mile away. If she wants to though, she can focus it in an area at the shortest distance of five feet. This can cause the opponent to become confused because of the rapid wave movements.
[...The only way this attack will cause bodily damage other than confusion is if you're standing in that five foot distance...]
La garra de sus ojos de Jagua (claw out their eyes Jaguar)
Its a simple slashing and clawing attack. By moving around the opponent at extreme speeds, Alcina can momentarily elongate her claws. She slashes at the opponent innumerable times. This attack can be used when in motion. (i.e, the person is running, etc)
Patada de Tigre (Tiger kick)
Alcina charges reiatsu into her legs once they are transformed. She can kick up to four times consecutively. (all in one post. she has to wait another post to use this specific attack again) When enough energy is in her feet/leg area, she lashes out with her leg/legs at blinding speeds, using the power of a tiger and a burst of energy to enforce it.
Bankai: [not obtained]
Bankai Name:
Controlador de la parte de Gatos Dos (controller of the cats part two)
Bankai Appearance:
After pulling her dirk out and saying the phrase, it disappears completely.
A bright flash of light and reiatsu surround Alcina, and when it bursts, first a roar of a thousand cats will be heard in the distance. This isnt an attack, (although it can do damage) just a side effect of the bankai. Another side effect is the poison that drips off her fangs and claws now.
She now has a blond lions mane, a bone tail of a leopard, the strength and hind legs of a tiger, and elongated fingers and teeth of a jaguar. She is also completely naked, except for molted orange semi-spotted fur that now covers her. The mane covers her breasts and when just standing somewhere, her tail usually covers her frontal parts. Along with those things, she has cute lion like ears that appear on the top of her head. She still has her regular ears, but they are hidden by her new mane. Her eyes are now slit like a cat's, and a green orange color in the pupil and around it.
Bankai Ability:
[all attacks that could be used in shikai can still be used]
Envenene gato: poison drips from Alcina's fangs and claws. She is completely immune to this poison.
Note on the Poison:
Being scratched, bitten, clawed etc will at first act like a normal attack. A few minutes after being attacked, the opponents vision will begin to go out. Another few minutes, and their hearing will go out. The last thing that goes out would be the opponents sense of where it is. (i.e, are you up or down, going left or right, etc) This attack is ideal for capturing and holding someone hostage, because it makes them unable to attack and or defend themselves.
Post Cycle:
1-4: Sight will go out.
5-9: Hearing will go out.
9-12: Proprioception will go out.
Predators Senses:
Alcina's hearing, sight, touch, smell, etc are heightened to extremes. She can now hear a mouse scuffling under a floor board from 50 feet away from the location of the mouse.
Látigo de Leopardo: Leopard Whip
Alcina uses the bone tail to lash out at the enemy. In certain cases she can spin around rapidly, creating a tornado around herself. If the bone tail hits something, it will break/shatter/injure it. If it hits a zanpakutou unreleased, it will break it, or break the opponents arm from the force of the impact. Something will break.
El ataque de los gatos salvajes: attack of the savage cats
This is a last resort type of move. Alcina goes into a rage. Her claws and fangs lengthen to dangerous points, and the poison drips freely. Just being touched by the poison will cause a sort of acid burn. Her speed and strength multiplies by at least 5 times. While in this stage of bankai, she will attack friend or foe. She now has little to no control over how hard she hits/kicks, or how deeply she's scratching something. She can easily cut through a solid boulder without using much force.
This attack will last for 9 posts. After the 9 posts are up, she is forced to go back into a weakened shikai state. She cant go back into bankai for a minimum of 10 posts afterward.
Bakudo: [Start of without any]
Hado: [Start of without any]
Extra Skills:
She has a photogenic memory, making her someone you dont want to have mad at. She will forever remember your face, rank, and squad.
Extra Weapon(s) or Items:
always has a hidden bottle of booze, no matter where she goes. she hides it somewhere different each time.
Usually warm. She is highly sarcastic, and isnt afraid to put someone in their place if you piss her off. She's usually pretty level headed, but once her temper is set off, most people should just back away and let her be.
Alcina likes flashing off what she has, and she's also very touchy-feely. She likes putting people in awkward situations, teasing people, giving people stupid and annoying nicknames, and the likes.
Human World Appearance: [Start of without one]
Human World Occupation: [Start of without one]
Not doing work
Personal Skills:
Hand to hand combat is her specialty.
She is a dancer, and an acrobat. She mixes the two for entertainment.
Favorite Food:
anything meat and or spicy.
Favorite Drink:
Most forms of alcohol. Specially German and Russian ones.
Least Favorite Food:
All of her hobies
Getting to know people
Loud people
People who wake her up
people who dont feed her
being woken up for something unimportant
Biography Before Death:
she doesnt remember any of it, other than being attacked by a wild cat
Biography After Death:
Alcina grew up in a small area of the Rukongai, mainly old people lived there. She helped around the area, though it was rare. Everyone got along with her for the most part. Some of the local thugs tried to bully her, but her size and odd strength made them back off after the first few fights.
Someone told her that she should go to the Shinigami Academy, though she had no clue what that was. At first, she didnt want to do it, saying it would be too much work. Eventually she joined.
Soul Reaper Academy:
Alcina would have been the top of her class had she not been so damn lazy. She graduated a year late, then stayed away from the Sereitei for a year or two after graduating. She wanted to live life the easy way.
Division Life:
As soon as Alcina entered the eight division, she knew she was going to have fun. Soon after her first day in the squad, she had a strange dream, one of a large cat speaking to her. She couldnt remember his name, but she had an odd feeling that he was someone important to her.