We fight to live, we live to fight….

It was unfortunately common to be kidnapped in Mexico City. It was a fear
that hung over the heads of many parents and their children. Scarlet had
been kidnapped like countless others. Yet there was never a ransom
call delivered to her parents. No one ever set up a meeting place to give
her back in exchange for money. The ones who kidnapped her had more
than enough money, they needed her for a purpose only
few could imagine.
that hung over the heads of many parents and their children. Scarlet had
been kidnapped like countless others. Yet there was never a ransom
call delivered to her parents. No one ever set up a meeting place to give
her back in exchange for money. The ones who kidnapped her had more
than enough money, they needed her for a purpose only
few could imagine.
At the age of twelve Scarlet had been nabbed off the street and taken far from her home. She found herself in an illegal, American run research facility at an unknown location. In the beginning they were just testing her physical abilities, and then came some strange drugs after that came experiments that seemed far beyond the world of science. Years of Scarlet’s life passed by in this place, of course it only took her a few months to lose track of time. Her first few years weren’t that bad; she was allowed contact with the hundreds of other children there, they just weren’t allowed any contact with the outside world.
Those were the good years in what Scarlet and others called The Facility. The years that followed, Scarlet was barely conscious. She became some sort of human lab rat, more so than she already was. They were doing endless experiments on her and everyone else. She wasn’t aware of what was going on around her during this time. Whatever was happening to her was probably a traumatizing experience, but she really couldn’t remember much of what did happen.

Ten years had now passed since she was brought to The Facility. It was one of those days where research was slow, at least for her. She wasn’t having any tests done on her however she still stayed in the vegetative state that had become her existence. Scarlet was lying on her bed when she was broken from her daze. Chaos had spread through The Facility, alarms were going off and fighting was everywhere. For the first time in years she became aware of what was happening around her as well as to her.
An incessant war seemed to rage on throughout the building. Death filled the air. Confusion clouded the minds of The Facility’s prisoners as they all broke from their vegetative states. They started to see what had become of them. It seemed like hours passed as they fought against The Facility alongside their unknown rescuers.
All who had not lost their life in battle were rescued and taken to safety. That war was far from over though, it had just begun.


Scarlet knew their ongoing turmoil was coming to an end, what she didn’t know was whether or not it would be a pleasant end. Her eyes fell upon her reflection as she studied the scar that decorated her forehead. The night they had been rescued from The Facility occurred a little over three years ago. That was when she had been introduced to a new world that was hidden from society.
The Facility, formally known as Project Infinite was an organization that’s goal was to create a generation of super humans. Had she not spent half of her life as a part of the operation she wouldn’t believe such a thing was possible. The ones that had rescued them were known as The Defiance. Roughly ninety percent of the group was made up of people who had escaped from labs all over the world, who didn’t want to be part of the sinister plans of Project Infinite. The other ten percent were scientists that were once part of the Project. They were the ones who had created The Defiance when they realized what Project Infinite was all about.
The media portrayed Project Infinite as a simple peacekeeping organization that’s main focus was on human medical research. The Defiance was portrayed as a terrorist group that wanted to put bluntly, destroy the world. Those who hadn’t chosen sides had no idea what was going on or what was soon to happen.
Scar was her name now. She was currently with the division located in underground England known as BlackOut. They were one of the core divisions that made up The Defiance. There were a mixture of specials - those with powers and normals - those without powers, both were from labs across the world. Some of the normals had just been rescued not long after being taken by Project Infinite while the others were renegade scientists. All members of BlackOut were some of their strongest, most intelligent or most useful people in the entire organization who had been hand picked by the leaders of The Defiance.
She let out a sigh as her body collapsed in her chair where she was greeted with stacks of papers from recent meetings. Scar’s eyes skimmed through page after page. This war was coming to a final battle sooner than later. Something bigger than facility raids and counterattacks were inching their way towards the near future. “What in the world are we going to do?” Scar whispered to herself. Moments later there was a knock on her office door. “It's open,” she informed her visitor, glancing up at the rusted, steel door.
…And tonight, you'll hear my battle cry.