ninja Bought
ok This is my first ever quest x) I have bought nearly all of the stuff I need but these are the other I need so, If you do donated I will put your name next to the item along with heart eg: -item- heart -Bob Like so.
My first Quest
SuperStar Blue Tint Shades___________________ - ninja
Guy's Amore' Pink - need 2.6 k for that.______ - ninja
Blue Magic Coat__________________________ -
Yellow MehTRO T With Cross________________ - ninja
Ruby Forhead Jewl_________________________- heart Desirface V'day pressie!
Cat Gloves______________________________ - ninja
Extra Donaters xD
Desirface - 600g heart
Maharaja_Mack_Daddy- 300g heart
I know it won't be as Advertised, why? because it's my first and I want it smaller and yeah so thanks.. If you have any suggestions please post a comment and tell me because it his highly appreciated. Also If you did/do donate and I forget to put your name please tell me because you were nice enough to. and you deserve the credit xD