An older Clarissa: *walks into a tavern where her son and nephew are* Hey you two, whatcha doin' hangin' round here?
Viscen: Discussing Ark's disgusting infatuation with zombie women. *chuckle*
Ark: *glare* I had no choice in that matter. I find her repulsive. She's demanding, bitchy and I wish I could kill her, but sadly she won't ******** die.
Viscen: Cause she's UNDEAD. Hurrr. *laughs out loud*
Ark: *glare* What about you? You felt sorry for that Alex woman and married her. She's not very bright you know.
Viscen: D8 No, she's not, but I felt bad for her!
Clarissa: When the hell did all this happen?! Howcome you didn't tell me you gotten married, Viscen William Gahn?! Your father and I would have liked to have known. *glares at him and grabs his ear painfully*
Viscen: I'm sorry, ma! I uh, well, it wasn't a big deal..
Clarissa: What the hell else has happened while I had my back turned?!
Ark: Hm, well, Viscen and I defeated some tyrant named Luscien. Uh, and saved some land called Albion.
Clarissa: Neat!
Viscen: Great Grandma Arognat helped. She time paradoxed out the a** though. She was all young and stuff. Her and Grandpa Elijah were there! Grandpa Seraph was there too! As a kid!
Clarissa: How is any of this plausible?
Ark: Time travel?
Clarissa: Bah! Lies and Riddles! D8<
Viscen: Angela and you were there! Don't you remember?!
Clarissa: *thinks back* No..oh wait, oh yeah! I was all young and stuff too! Good ol RPGing in Fable. I co-existed and created a time paradox. My life if complete.
Ark: Yeah too bad this doesn't all count for anything in main plot. I mean with a few changes it would've seemed quite interesting. You and Uncle Tangora would be around just ya know, old.
Clarissa: Watch it!
Ark: My apologies. Anyway, Grandpa Seraph and his parents wouldn't be around either.
Viscen: Unless I brought everyone back to life and made them young again! 8D
Ark: Isn't that Mary Sue-ish?
Viscen: Not when you're doing it because you have a personal bond with them. That goes farther than just, "Oh, yeah, they're too awesome to age or die." but more like, "I love these characters! They're a big part of me and my inspiration! D8" like Clarie's is.
Ark: Understandable, but I'd stick with leaving our grandparents alive. I mean even if they have to look like they're elderly, I want them to be alive and able to function properly.
Viscen: You have an unhealthy fixation with our grandmother. >= /
Ark: Well ya know, since my mom chose Ion over me, it's only natural I see Diana as my own mother.. What about you? You favor Grandpa Seraph!
Viscen: Cha, cause he's badass and he's energetic. But I love grandma alot too, ya know. You're closer to ehr than to grandpa.
Clarissa: Get to the point and stop bickering, boys.
Viscen: Oh right. I think what my incompetent, retard, cousin is trying to say here is I'd find a way to preverse you and dad. I can't stand the thought of you guys getting all old and wrinkley, thus I'm searching for a way to end that! 8D
Ark: I'm helping because I'm smarter than him.
Viscen: Technically, he's the brain and I'm the...well, not really brawn but skill.
Ark: Yeah, whatever.
Clarissa: You're such wonderful boys. :3 *huggles*
Ark: *cthulu*
Viscen: >:3 *huggles his mom*
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.