If you could explain who I truly am by looking at this avatar, then please comment.
True Facts About Me
Favourite Colours:
What I Like To Do:
Drawing (even though I dont do avi art cuz it turns out crap)
Swearing (very true even though i try not to)
Watching Movies like Avatar or Comedy movies like You Don't Mess With The ZOHAN!
Having days OFF skool
Havin a big fat laugh
I Can't Help It If...
You don't like me that much,
I'm part goth,
I'm not as rich or as poor as you,
I'm sick,
Very few of my friends go on Gaia (sooner most of 'em will though)
I swear too much for you.
You don't like MY favourite colours
I'm not the type of person you want me to be
I call you 'hun'
I don't have a valentine that I know
And many more excuses xxx
Favourites (includes movies, people, hobbies, etc)
That comedy movie I mentioned
Best Friend irl - Rachel
Best Friends on Gaia - ii RandomxxCookiez ii, xxHellYeahh <-- soz if i spell ur name wrong
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (PC Game)