~Will you be my Valentine?~ heart
I had wery nice Valentine's day, actually. 3nodding
We had these hearts, where you put your name when hugged the owner of it. The one who collects more hugs and names among 'em, than anyone else, wins something. I had heart too, but I had only one name in it, Yiran. *I put that my self, cos Yiran told, thanks. 4laugh * heart
Don't worry! I didn't even want names!! Cos I wrote this note to it:
I don't accept hugs ar names. I'LL HUG YOU!! heart heart
I went and hugged random people even more randomly and yelled: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!, with huge smile on my face. mrgreen I hugged all the people trough 12 times!! And there was this one boy that didn't run away from me. *one point for him* whee
I haven't even drawn all the cards and pictures I shoul'd but, I can give 'em later. Now I'll just want to talk with my lovely friends and relax as much as I can. heart A little poem to the end. DONT COPY IT! evil
I have this little place in my heart just for you. There's no one in the whole world that can replace you.
No card or chocolate can bring the same happines, what you bring to me by just smileing. No present or letter can bring the same joy, what you bring by just being your self.
With large ribbon our hands are tight up together. I'll give you a hug and we'll be friends fourever.
These wing we have are mark of never ending love, no matter where you are, where you go, what you do what you say.
This friends will always stay. heart heart
Community Member
I'm glad you had a nice Valentine's Day! whee
And one boy came over to me and wanted a hug. O_o
I hardly know his name... sweatdrop
And it's true, what you say!
Frinds will always stay. heart