Total Value: 509,286 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lift Messenger Bag
Banggai Cardinal Tuxedo
Black Dragon Silk Shoes
Black Scene Glasses
Gray Polar Expedition Pile Jacket
Black Checkered Shirt And Jacket
Panda Plushie
Carlos the Alpaca

Total Value: 4,175,091 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Compass of Seidh
Giacamo's Charm
Imaginary Friend 2nd Gen
Two Turtle Doves
Magical Mender
Swirly Naruto
Halftone Hero
Bunny Flop

Total Value: 437,991 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Cloud Captain's Helm-Hat
Nartian Rock 2nd Gen.
Nartian Rock 2nd Gen.
Jenny Doll