Clarissa: D8 And then what happened?
Katherine: Um and then John appeared from the otherside of the roller coaster and he helped me not kill myself to rid of that monster...
Clarissa: D8 So how did you kill it?!
Katherine: Well..I just decided that I didn't need her to make me brave. All she did was force me to do horrible things and literally made my mind deteriorate...
Emily: You refer to it as a 'her'...why?
Katherine: I told you, she was me.
Clarissa: D8 What?
Katherine: She was the bad side of me. The angry side of me that was driving me crazy...the only way I could hurt her is if I had hurt myself but it didn't matter much cause she still wouldn't die unless I did. Then when I heard John talking to me, though I couldn't see him for some odd reason, I knew that if I stopped believing that I needed her to make me well, then she'd disappear. And she did. Then John took me home.
Clarissa: Homigod that's ********' nuts! Silent Hill's a b***h! D8<
Emily: *shudders* .....
Clarissa: Oh yeah, didn't you say you and John had to go later on again? Because a part of Silent Hill left with you?
Katherine: ... : < Oh...yes...It wanted our daughter, Kylie. It made her horribly sick and she was covered in these red, plant like veins and...there were seizures and was horrible. She'd been seeing really bad things and talking in her sleep and... *tears up*
Clarissa/Emily: D8
Viscen: *is playing with his toy sword* You went to Silent Hill?
Kylie: Um, I dunno. I don't think so. My mommy and my daddy went there to get stuffs to make me better, though. I stayed with my Grampa.
Viscen: Oooh...Were you scared?
Kylie: Nu-uh. My daddy had promised he and mommy would make me not sick anymore. But then I saw zombies!
Viscen: Woah!
Kylie: Then I got scared! *frowns and huggle little Viscen*
Viscen: ...Eh? *pat pats little Kylie*
Kaiah: Hehehe! Bison and Kywie, sittin in a twee! K-I-um...K-I-ah! Awk! How do you spell, kissing?!
Ark: K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Kaiah: Yeah! That!
Viscen: Shut up, Kaiah! D8
Kylie: Jacob was in Silent Hill though! Kinda...
Viscen: Whatcha mean?
Jacob: My mom was pregnant with me.
Viscen: ...Peregnant?
Jacob/Ark: In her tummy.
Viscen: Ahhh...kay.
Ark: You know, we never hear anything from you, Jacob. Why is that?
Jacob: Um, because my father loves Kylie more and apparently so does Clarie.
That's not true! Er...well the part about me liking Kylie more atleast. I'm sorry, Jacob. It's sad too cause you're a splitting image of your daddy cept with glasses and your mother's knowledge. You're pretty much modern day Ark!
Ark: Lucky you.
Jacob: Fantastic.
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.