It's not the bestest convention in the world but it still kicked a**! blaugh This year was more funner then last year cause this year I had two things I had trouble with last year. 1. Experience where I didn't know s**t like some of the voice actors who were there, and what kind of things I should prepare for, like the zombie march, the rave, panels, contests, and STUFF! Which brings me to number 2: Money. Oh my gawd, there was so much awesome stuff there, that it was really hard to manage all $200 bucks I had with me, cause I also had to conserve money so I wouldn't die from starvation...
This year I was more wise with my money compared to the other convention virgins from the anime club I'm in cool . I spent less and I tried to bargain but I prevailed! Plus there was a mall near by so I had some fun over there. Also I had some fun that was and wasn't related to anime.
Wasn't: I played SSBB with some furries 3nodding , blacked out for a few seconds from lack of sleep, played WTF with my friends, STRIPPER CAKE, losing everyday from hearing "THE GAME", getting groped by my friends cause I'm to much of a wuss to say "No" plus it was grope friday, getting touched awkwardly by strangers cause I looked like a girl from the back (I have supah long hair), and all that good stuff 3nodding
Was: Complained how I bought a bag that looked cool but the vender didn't tell me it was originally supposed to be a purse, taking picture with voice actors like Vic Mignogna (Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist) and Johnny Yong Bosch (Ichigo from Bleach), watching movies (anime and yaoi), BUYING s**t LOADS OF AWESOMELY USELESS STUFF, playing yaoi paddle tag, and so on and so forth.
Here's some pictures from my trip:

And this is the group I went with to Kawaii Kon: