Heads up: When choosing please tell me which RP and which RPC's you would like to use. The last guy at the very bottom is indeed male, it just seems like it could be a woman--It's not. Rp's: Mother/Stepson, Or Father/Stepdaughter, Half brother/Half Sister, Or Vampire Brother, Or Vampire Sister Neighbors, Or Babysitter (I prefer to be the person being babysitted) Vampire/Human, Or Vampire/Elf Daughter/Pool Boy Spy/Wife/or Husband Maid/King(Doesn't sound interesting but it could be once it began) Stripper/Owner of Club
COUPLES: (You can use just one person from this image and pic another from the regular images if you like, your option):



Raine Fallen · Sun May 23, 2010 @ 03:14am · 0 Comments |